It's complicated - Chapter 20

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Harry p.o.v

We pull up outside the clinic, and then just sit there, I don't think either of us are very confident with this whole parenting thing, and I suppose the whole 'first scan' is pretty important. 

"You nervous?" I ask. 

"A bit, you?" She asks looking at me, biting her lip. 

"Nah it'll be fine" I say reassuringly, taking her hand as we walk towards the door.

"What if something goes wrong?" She asks.

"Don't be silly" I say, nudging her as a punishment as we reach the desk. 

"Hey,we're here for a scan, 12 '0' clock I think the appointment was" Flora says. 

"Yes, Miss.Hook and...Mr.Styles?" I see her raise her eyebrows as she looks up at me. 

"That's us" I say. 

"Okay go right through to the waiting room" She says, smiling at me widely revealing her yellowing teeth, I smile back and pull Flora through to the waiting room, the place is pretty big, and quite busy, but I think how the receptionist didn't really notice me until she saw my name. 

We sit down and look around the room, there's loads of couples dotted around at various stages of pregnancy, some that are obviously far along and some hardly at all like us. 

"Will I end up that big?" She asks looking at a woman with a huge bump. 

"Probably" I say. 

"Oh god" She groans, resting her head on my shoulder. 

I look at the rest of the people, some young couples like us, most likely first baby, and then couples who've probably done this atleast once before.

Flora flicks through a magazine, as I continue to take in the rest of the waiting room, I don't think anyone's noticed me. 

"Aw that's so cute! we should totally get one of them" She says pointing at a page of babies in bug costumes.

"Why?!" I ask laughing. 

"Because look at the little Bee one! or the ladybird!" She says. 

"They are quite cute, it has to be said" I say. 

"very cute!" She insists, I laugh at her, shutting the magazine and putting it on the seat next to my occupying her hands with mine instead.

I hear our names called and we stand up, I notice a few people look when they hear my name, but I think we got through the door by the time anyone got a good look.

"Hey, I'm Dr.Smith, I'll be your doctor for today" Says a lady with greying hair in a bun, glasses, and a white coat, well she seems nice enough. 

We both shake her hand and take a seat on the other side of the desk where she gestures us to sit. 

"So, this is the baby's father?" She asks Flora, nodding at me. 

"Yes" Says Flora looking at me I smile at her, as the Doctor writes something down. 

"He's your boyfriend? partner? husband?" She asks. 

"Em.. boyfriend" Says Flora. 

"Okay, perfect, I just need you both to fill in these forms, and we can start" She smiles and hands the pieces of paper over to us. 

"What do I put for occupation?" I ask laughing, as the doctors gone out of the room. 

"I don't know? how about 'in number one boyband' " She laughs.

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