Day 2

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Maybe I shouldn't have left Keith yesterday that's his name right? Yeah . I was just like him I was once a nothing or a loner and then there were the something's or the people who had friends but at this new school I'll be a something I won't make the same mistakes I did at my old school.
"Hey new kid you alright?"
Lance was pulled put of his thought by Shiro's question.
"yeah, BBBI'm good "
"great so would you like to join me and the rest of the team for a party this weekend? A great way to know people "
A party? Sounds harmless enough
"and you can bring a girl if you have one back from your old school "
Shiro said winking at Lance
"sure but what do u mean bring a girl?"
Lance usually never went to party's just heard about them so this was all new
"I mean like a date ya know if you have a girlfriend? Don't tell me "
"don't tell you what"
"your not gay right because if you were all the girls would be so upset "
So they hate gays and probably people who are bi great
"No gross I'm totally into chicks"
shiro and the rest of the guys were laughing at something Lance didn't know what was so funny till he heard one say "look he's starting at the loser he totally has the hots for him "
Lance realised he was staring at Keith and he had to blink a few times to realised what was happening
"no I don't I don't like him "
"good Lance you shouldn't be talking to him anyway even tho he won't talk back "
"why what did he do?"
"I don't know he just stopped talking in 8th grade hasn't talked since and hens a junior "
Mysterious and hot I like it and I will make you talk mullet.
Lance smirked at his one joke but quickly got ride of it so no one else would ask him questions about his sexuality.

[Keith's pov]
I could feel them cold but comforting blue eyes on me staring. when I looked to see who's no one was there like they quickly vanished amungst the sea of teenagers talking and some snogging.
Walking into the bathroom I hoped no one was in there yet again I was wrong.
"hey loser"
One of the guys said
"you shouldn't be in here Dyke "
Yet Keith didn't say anything he just went into a stall after being pushed and shoved

Keith usually went to the bathroom if he needed to let out his feelings or write something that he wanted everyone to see but no one knew who wrote it.

Keith took out his pocket knife and carved on the inside of the stall wall "maybe we're all designed to be alone and when u find someone you both glitched out and know your weird for having someone "
One day someone will care enough to figure out who wrote this but by then I'll be gone hopefully Dead.

I hope this isn't confusing and makes sense to your.
it's turning out good I think I like it so and I dont like a lot of things I make

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