Day 5

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[Keith's pov]
Keith closed his art journal that he'd been writing in for each week.

Why do I keep writing and drawing about lance he dose not like me. I told myself I wouldn't get close to anyone again ever again .
Keith was pulled out of his thoughts when a paper ball hit him this was usual for Keith.
Again with the paper balls? This will say faggot or lose or whatever else this jerk bags came up with .
As Keith was opening the paper he notice it was different the hand writing was neat not massy like usually and it was a full letter  not a just a word.
'there's a part tonight at alluras maybe you'd like to join ? Meet me by the bbleachers if you want to go even as friends.hope I see you there ;)'

Keith figured it was just a prank nothing to think of. Untill he felt thos blue eyes on him again and notice it was Lance who quickly looked away pretending to laugh. Why would he ask me? Why would anyone ask me?
The bell rung signalling class was over. Keith left in a rush and went to his next and last Class.
Shit if this is a prank I'll be humiliated and made fun of more but if this is serouse who likes me? And why me?

[Lance pov]
"so you ask anyone out?" shiro asked Lance
"nah I think I might just go to this party solo "
"lame " shiro said standing up as soon as the bell rung.
I wouldn't ask anyone cause the one person I might like isn't a girl. If they knew I was bi I'd get beat like I used to for being different and to weird. God then my sister getting in trouble because some asshole secretly recorded rapping her and posted it all over school. What if Keith wants to do the same to me? Or is he different? Is he good?
"Lance you feeling okay? Your looking really pale and that's saying something with your skin color"
"yeah I'm fine just was thinking "
Lance said as he stood
"you seem to be doing that a lot more than a normal person would"
Thats cause I'm not normal
"oh well let's get to are last class then the party right?"
shiro smiled and walked with Lance to there next class Lance and shiro talking and laughing but all lances laughs were fake he had to make them so real you couldn't tell the difference unless you heard his real laugh.
Last post for today hope you all in joy I'm liking writing this so far it's going good...

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