Day 6

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Keith walked up to his room in the noisy orphanage he lived in

[Keith's pov]

"Hey Keith "
That lady always was so happy so lucky her name is Blythe or bliss to the younger kids.She talk about her son hunk a lot and how he wins soccer games. Blythe worked part time she isn't the owner but she dose feel bad for us she's on of the many that do.
I nodded realizing I did not do anything since she said hi.
"You seem talkative "
She always came up with weird words to trying to get me to smile which I never did.
"miss.bliss ? "
"Yes Timmy?"
She left me and went to tim.

I ran to my room not being able to interactive with anyone anymore.
The one person I kind of like punched me and before that might me under the bleachers caching me smoking. I really hope he doesn't day anything to anyone but then again who would care.
Keith couldn't stop thinking. So he did what he usually would do put on his Bluetooth speaker on that was connected to his phone and shuffled threw his playlist "intoxicated I love you" came on and Keith started to get watery eyes thinking of lance and what he did.
What if he just did that cause he got dared to by his loser friends? What if he just did it to confirm I'm gay?
Why did I fall in love with him? In such a short time ?
Will all the thinking Keith couldn't fall asleep as usual so instead he climbed out his window and walked to Walmart he stole paint and paint brushes . Keith even stole some make up for Emerald or Em for short.

Keith walked threw the woods since it was the way back he took out his machetes and light one grabbing a cigarette and smoking it woke he was walking letting the smoke fill his lungs and then leave them slightly. Smoking left a bitter but sweet taste in Keith's mouth that he loved he loved the nicotine of each cigarette.

I stopped and walked to a bridge looking down.
There's something pulling me something like gas but also like smoke something is screaming and pulling me off the bridge.
I quickly opened my eyes realizing it was just another vision or mind game as he liked to call them.

-time skip -

Keith finally got into his room right before Blythe walked in saying goodnight and goodbye at the same tokens usual.
Keith just nodded in agreement and she left shutting the door.

Keith laied down putting on a YouTube playlist on repeat before finally dosing of into his thoughts at 4 in the morning only to get 2 hours of sleep before hearing a loud crash and his door flying open.


Sorry it took so long I to write and maybe cliff hanger. 🤷🏻‍♂️ ~ 🔪

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