Day 10

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[Keith's pov ]

It's so dark why did he have to take over when lance was right there ?

I opened my eyes to a really bright light and Lance kneeling  right next to me
"are you okay?"

But I just nodded so he didn't have to worry

Then he hugged me and I froze  realizing I wasn't at the school I was in a room I think it was lances on his bed
I look up seeing the Beyonce posters on his wall
How lie was I out for?

"I'm so happy your okay "
I hugged back and noticed a pen and a notebook next to me
Letting go of the hug I grabbed the note book and wrote 'thank you'
He smiled at me
it made me melt his smile is so cute and dorky.

I took the pen and wrote how long was I out?'
"2 days "


"are you hungry or want something to drink?"

I shook my head

He looked over at the wall and thought about something
"can I ask you something?"
I just shrugged in respones
"what happened before you punched shiro? "
I took the notebook and wrote 'long story '
"oh okay "

So he's my mate? That's interesting

"about the bathroom thing I uh I'm sorry "
Lance said rubbing the back of his neck nervously
"and for the party im sorry to "
'dont be '
"I punched you "

I just shrugged at that and wrote
'I've had worse happen'
"im sorry about that"

Knock knock "Lance open the door "

Lance stood up and opened the door
"what is it Jenna?"
"mama said time to go to church "

[lances pov]

"tell her I'm not going I have a friend over "
"your boyfriend?"
She giggled and ran down the stares
Great I can feel my face getting red
Shutting the door I said "that's my younger sister Jenna "

Keith just nodded and layed down

I could  hear the house door closing and mama's van leaving the drive way
"I guess were alone know "

Keith blushed? Wait he blushed at the fact that we're alone?

Getting up I sat next to him on the bed while he layed down

I noticed Keith was sleeping
He looks so peaceful
I layed down next to him and  he cuddled up to me

He's so cute and he smells like a fire and pine trees

Lance fell asleep to the soft sound of Keith snoring

I'm sorry if this chapter turned out like shit ~🔪

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