Day 19

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[lances pov]

"okay" I say going up to my room.
I Hope Keith gets back soon I don't want Him getting hurt..God maintains Keith why'd you leave?
As I walk into My room it evidently looks vacant and abandoned without Keith.

Setting my bag down I walked Over to my laptop seeing a peace of paper "to Lance "
Sitting down at my chair I looked at it contemplating on opening it.

[keiths pov]

Keith was deep into the woods he saw a cabin with no lights ,some police tap, and boards to the door.

'well if i die no one will know" walking into the cabin I started to realize how shitty it looked but it was getting dark ,wolves would be out soon. So knocking on the door i realized how stupid that was as i opened it seeing rats running out.

"any axe murders leave know or else you'll be my victim! " holding my pocket knife just in case .

Sadly there isn't anyone here to kill so i walk around exploring the house.

[lances pov]

"mama i'm going out for a swim okay ?" I yell grabbing my swim bag . "okay hijo" {son}

The only place i feel like myself is in the water and since Keith left for a bit i could use a swim in the pond. Walking down the stairs I see my little brothers playing and smile at them closing the door.

Its pretty outside its nice enough for a swim I start walking down the path to the pond.

-time skip-

I move the leaves from in front of my face to revile the beautiful waterfall in front of me with the deer and other animals looking at me.

Setting my bag down I take off my shirt getting in the water. I swam around for a while. Know im floating on my back. I've always felt a weird connection to the water and just being in the water makes me feel at home weird.

Looking up i hear a bunch of guys "shit no not them "


I'm sorry i have not been posting i was busy with school and know i'm buy with friends but i promise a new ch will be up before tomorrow ~🔪

ps : thank you for over 8 almost 9k reads I swear I'll try to publish more ~🔪

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