Day 9

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[Keith's pov]

I can't believe I just kissed him I kissed someone who i barely know  I swore I'd never kiss anyone ever again after my ex...

But didn't I kiss him at that stupid party? I wasn't to drunk or wasted.we did kiss and then he punched me but it was a short kiss really short because Kyle called him and then he came back upset and pissed punching me...

Keith didn't want to bump into anyone else or explain to his brother why he wasn't at school.
So Keith went to the only place that he knew was empty  for the rest of the day.

Running  into the band room he sat on a table and took out his journal writing everything he felt about Lance down.

'He's cute , he's really hot, he's seems to be smarter than the other idiot jocks, he's taller which I like, he's stupid but in a good way, he cares about others '

Maybe I should write down one flaw

'He's probably straight'

Keith sighed knowing he wouldn't have a chance with Lance who Could get any girl or guy  he wanted

[lances pov]

"alright that's enough practice for the day hit the showers!" couch zarcon yelled

Should I tell them I'm bi? It's better than being in the closet and my mama already supports me
"coming Lance? " hunk asked

The soccer team and football team practiced at the same time since there weren't many guys on the soccer team but more girls like pidge and shay which hunk totally has a crush on shay even if he Denys it

"yeah so hunk have you talked to shay yet?"
I said smirking
"what? No how would I even talk to her?"
Hunk was head over heals in love and he didn't know how to show it
"talk to her like this -"
"Lance don't you-"
"hey shay!"
"Lance godamnit "
Lance smirked as shay walked over to them
"hey boys what's up?"
"hey shay hunk needs to tell you something "
Lamce said as he walked away letting hunk stumble over his words
Where dose pidge go? She's always gone and she's never in the showers maybe she dose some other sport

-time skip-

"hey shiro can I talk to you?"
It's almost my free period and shiro has a class to get to so he won't have time to punch me
"I'm uh bisexual and I don't like you I just thought you should know..."
He looked confused
"okay cool so we can still talk about girls right?"
I nodded and smiled
"cool well I gotta head to math so I can play the game this Thursday"
He said heading of to math
Maybe I can find Keith and apologize
Where would he be?

Lance found Keith In the band room drawing
Lance opens the door slowly and walked behind Keith to see he was indead drawing Lance sitting under bleachers with his arm around someone
"nice drawing "

[Keith's pov]

Jesus fucking Christ Lance

Quickly I closed my art book and turned around on the table to look at Lance
"hey violet eyes "
I could feel my face heat up at his nickname or complete

Keith took out a note card and wrote 'thanks'
"your welcome mullet "
Lance said smirking
Keith could feel his cheeks getting hotter as he wrote shut up Indian'
Lance smiled and chuckled
"can you say one word to me anything at all "

Keith was quite for a while until Lance say him open his mouth but Keith heard people coming and hide behind a table

No ones aloud in here really but me hell I'm not even aloud in here
"Lance? Why are you in the band room?"

"oh hey shiro I was looking at the instruments in my free hour "

"why there useless junk really the school should get rid of this room "

"and do what with it"

"make it a workout room "

The only people that would use that are the Jocks this is my safe place and shiro ruined it

"that'd be lame and what do you need me for?"

"nothing just wanted to know if you wanted to drink with me and the rest of the football team tonight "

"don't we have a math test tommorw? Why would you wanna be hangover for that?"

"Lance don't tell me you care about that junk you'll pass even if you fail we have a way to Pass"
Shiro winked at Lance
"hey what's This"
Shiro said grabbing Keith's art book
"I think it's Keith's don't go threw it there could be personal stuff in it man"
"so this shits creepy "

No he's gunnna see my drawing of Lance in about 2 seconds I'm dead I'm going to die  but on the bright side maybe my demon will stop being a dick and leave me alone

"Lance I think the freak has a crush on you "

Shiro said holding up the unfinished drawing of Lance and me
On the other page said 'koishiteru'
"what the fuck dose this mean"

Keith could feel his demon side Burlington get out and take back what was his but Keith was fighting back until he blacked out and felt his demon side take over fully

[Lance pov]

I'm so happy Jenna forced me to help her learn Spanish right know
"nothing why don't you put it down so we can go "
"nope I'm gunnna male copy's of this "
"why what good will it do you?"
"every bit of good"

Keith stood up

His eyes are a reddish purple different from before

"there's the faggot himself "

Was the last thing shiro said before Keith knocked him out with one punch you could hear the sizle his cheek made when Keith hit it with his fist

Holy Shit...

Keith winked towards me before falling on his knees and what looked like blacking out

Sorry it took so long to update but here's a longer Chapter  I'm sorry for the time skips ~🔪

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