Day 7

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[keiths POV]

Keith opened his eyes realizing he was in the hospital.
What? Why am I here ? Why is it so cold ? Holy crap am I dead ?!
Keith look and seen he wasn't dead but his arms wrapped up
Fuck not again...why do I keep cutting and not remembering it ?
"Keith right? "
He nodded in response
"So mr.Kogan you've been doing good this is the first time your back in a week did you stop taking the pills?"
The pills? I set them on fire when I was holding them so yeah I did stop taking them hell I never took one
Keith didn't respond
"Just get your rest " the doctor said as he left

Since keith was young he loved books about demons and never knew why . Until a few years ago about the time when he stopped talking. He knew why,he also knew it had something to do with waking up with cuts or burns that's why he never sleeps.

Who keeps texting me? Who even has my number?
I looked at my phone picking it up only to be blinded by the light
Hello hell nice to see you
Keith thought jokingly to himself as he turned the brightness down.

Lance? He how dose he know I'm in the hospital ? Wait

Someone opened the the "Hey little bro are you okay?"

Wes? Did he tell lance ?

Wes is a half demon Keith's just like him. but Wes works with his demon side not against it so the only thing he wakes up to is new stuff his demon side stole from Hell.

Wes walked over and hugged Keith
"I hate your demon side "
Keith just nodded in agreement hugging wes.
After about a few seconds Keith and wes let go. Keith was expecting an answer to why Lance knew he in the hospital.
"look he was your only contact that I didn't know I thought he meant something,something special to you "
Keith nodded for wes to continue
"when a half demon finds there mate or soulmate they can't be apart from them and there mate doesn't have to be part demon. I think Lance is part agua "

The fucks an agua? Wait is that like part demons but with the ice side instead of the fire??

"it's what your thinking yes but they can freezes time "
That's interesting
"I'm going to go leave you be okay?"
Keith nodded

-time skip-

It was Sunday Keith didn't sleep at all that night but he drew a lot and he even liked one but only because it was Lance.

"hey Keith"Keith nodded and forgot about the drawings "these are really good and is this the guy who I said could be your mate?"What if he hates me or he's not gay or bi or into guys maybe just him kissing me at the party was a dare? Or what if he...

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"hey Keith"
Keith nodded and forgot about the drawings
"these are really good and is this the guy who I said could be your mate?"
What if he hates me or he's not gay or bi or into guys maybe just him kissing me at the party was a dare? Or what if he actually likes me? No that's not possible

Keith nodded embarrassed. "You can leave the hospital in a few hours but your on suicide watch again."
I fucking hate suicide watch
"maybe you should talk to Lance? You think about it and I'll go get you some scrambled eggs"
God I would die for a cigarette right know just so I don't have to think.

Wes and keith ate the eggs even tho it was 2 in the afternoon
"so when I come back be ready to leave Kay ?"
Keith nodded like usual.

Why doesn't Wes become Keith's league  garden ? well he's only 17 also doesn't have a job but when he dose Keith can go live with him instead of the hell hole that is the orphanage

I should go see lance but I have to get everything ready for school and try not to fall asleep . I've learned from my past relation ship I can't fuck up with lance if he is my mate.

Thank you RiceeLee  for letting me use your oc Wesley that's Keith older brother.
And no there's not 666 words psh noo why would I do that

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