Day 19 part 2

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[lance's pov]
shit shit

I swam under the water so lotor's gang wouldn't see me. I need to get away but where? and how?

I felt a fish swim by wait am i still underwater? I can breath perfectly fine weird.

"This is a perfect spot for are party tonight don't you think Shiro?"

"yes I do hopefully lance wont invite the faggot again" said Shiro.

I cant stand them . I swam under the water breathing fine and feeling like I'm at peace. What i didn't know was lotor and Kyle were about to jump in the water with the other guys till I hear a splash.

'"holy shit this is cold " lotor said

pussy its not even cold. I start swimming toward the surface quickly getting out of the water. Grabbing my back i feel a pare of arms wrap around me. "hey lance moved on from me so quickly?" It was Kyle talking to me like nothing happened like he didn't cheat on me 20 times with girls and said he wasn't bi ,like he didn't lie to me all throughout middle school at are old school, or mess with my heart and out me to the whole town .

"what do you want?" I turned around pulling away from him. He looked upset key word looked."come on lance I wanna know who that girl was you were kissing hr shoes looked emo af you into wrist cutters know?"

Glaring I him I looked up and proudly said "no actually I'm not because then i would be dating you since your so toxic and my the person i was kissing was a boy don't go assuming things asshole"

I could tell he was shocked "also you have your party hear ill let it slip that your bi don't think i wont " he just nodes shocked I even stood up for myself i'm even shocked. I walk past the leaves and put on my pants shoving my shirt and shoes in my bag.

"might as well walk around a bit"

[keith's pov]

The cabin isn't that bad it doesn't smell ,isn't a mess i think i could stay here or live here just gotta make sure lance dose not find me.

I find a couch and lay on it this will be one boring running away


i just released keith talked well yelled in the last chapter thats bad~🔪

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