Day 18

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[lances pov]
Well here goes nothing

-in the principals office-

"Mr.McLain " said Mr. Francis the cool to the popular rude to the shy kids kinda principle
"mr.f " I said back with a cocky smirk

"Lance what has gotten into you. This is the third time this week you've been in my office I've looked past the sleeping in class but this is to far hitting a teacher. I'm writing you up for 2 hour detonation today "

Lance was shocked
"What no I can't! I have to get home to my-" I quickly shut my mouth before I could say to much.

"back to who Lance?"

Shit think think
" no one " I say looking down

"good go to room 154 at the end off the day for detention if you don't go I'll  add 2 more days on got it?"

"got it francy " I said getting up out of the chair and walking back o gym when I look at my phone and see it's 20 minutes to the bell fuck it I'll go wait in the bathroom.

[Keith's pov]

Where's Lance?

(writing in his notebook)

"Where's Lance?right he dose have friends there's probably a party it is Friday... Maybe this is wrong I should Leave. I'm a burdone on them."

Keith signed shutting his notebook grabbing his backpack.

Pushing my notebook and pens in my back pack. I put on my shoes and checked the time 3:12

Lances family won't be home for another 10 minutes

I walked out of Lance house looking at it before I took off. I felt something leave me like something wanted me to stay there but I couldnt I just couldn't so I did what I always do run away from my problems.

I ran and ran feeling my lungs burn with the cold air pushing on my face and hearing the leaves and branches rustle by me it was all to familiar

Once I thought I was far enough. Sitting down I grabbed my smokes and lit one feeling that rushes threw me when I smoke the feeling of it makes me feel so much better after a long day.

Hopefully Lance will forget me and never think of me again...then I'll never have to think about talking to him...or anyone.

Once Keith got back to the orphanage he grabbed his iPod,phone charger,some cloths , his hidden weed,pack of cigs, pocket knife,his wallet shoving all of it in his bag  and put his beanie on.
"bye shit hole "

Keith said jumping out the window.

First I need somewhere to stay but where?

[lances pov]


"mama?" I said from  my room

"yes Lance?"

"where did Keith go?" I said confused
"I can't find him did he say where he went?"

"No "

Hey so cliff hanger how many of you are mad at me for having Keith leave?~🔪

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