Day 8

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[lances pov]

I can't believe I did that I'm so stupid he probably hates Me know. What if he turns out Like the last guy?
Lance was freaking out all weekend. About what he did at the party Lance did get drunk but this time was different. He wasn't just drunk he was wasted.

Lance was pulled out of his thoughts when Shiro walked by
"Hey nice job at the party "
Wait what?
"Punching that loner good job "
I didn't punch him I went to hit a wall and didn't realize Keith was right there
"I didn't mean to "
"well you did and it was a great hit "
Shiro was smiling a lot.
"so did you find out if he was gay? "
Wait what? That's why we kissed?! And then I go and accidentally hit him after
"yeah I did actually "
What else did these guys make me do to the poor kid?!
Shiro was waiting for Lance to answer
Lance was about to say something when the bell rang to go to his first class
"gotta go "
Lance ran off before shiro could say anything else or ask him anything.

I can't believe that's why I kissed him?
Lance was so deep in thought that he didn't realize Keith was in front of him.
They both feel well Keith feel on top of lance.
"Ow shit "
Lance looked up and seen Keith
"I'm really sorry "
Keith just shrugged trying to use his arms to get up.
"Hey let me help you"
Keith moved so he was sitting on the ground.
Standing up I helped him pulling his arm which seemed to hurt.
Did I pull to hard?
"I'm sorry are you okay ?"

[keiths pov]
No I'm not okay I have so many deep cuts and burns on that arm I'm not okay Lance
"do you  need me to take you to the nurses? or are you hot?"
Keith nodded when Lance asked if he was hot.
"I can get you cooled down"
Lance was looking around for what? I don't know but for something or maybe someone but when I opened my eyes we were in the bathroom alone
Lance pulled me to a bathroom stall and we were really close
"open your mouth a little I won't kiss you again and I would say don't tell anyone but you don't seem to talk so I guess I dont have to worry about my secret getting out "
Lance nervously smiled as Keith had a small blush and smile on his face

[Lance pov]

Okay here it goes
I blew cold air in Keith's mouth and I blew some snow on Keith's face to cool him down .
He nodded and wrote something down but before I could see put it in his pocket
"so what happens to you Sunday? "
He hesitantly pulled his slaves up and there were cuts and burns and scars
"did you do this to yourself? Because you can talk to me if-"
Keith put his finger over my mouth before I could finish. He handed me a peace of paper that had drawing of hands.
"what dose it-"
I was interrupted yet again God damnit  every time   but it was  a guy not any guy  it was Kyle  walking in to the bathroom and Keith quickly stood/crocheted on the toilet so his feet couldn't be seen.

[Keith's pov]
Shit shit
Keith looked at lances face and realized  he had star shaped freckles covered by make up
He where's make up? Aw his freckles look so cute. Wait wes was right he is an agua  god damnit wes
Kyle left and Keith went to get of the toilet when Lance kissed him
His lips are so cold but so soft they taste like sea salt fudge.
Without realizing it Keith was kissing back until he heard some guy bang on the stall
"hurry up Lance or else you'll miss practice "
Of course shiro
The next thing Keith knew is he feel into the toilet and was soaking wet
"I'll be right there give me a fuckin minute "
Keith looked down embarrassed
Lance mouthed he was sorry and they would talk later
He left leaving me alone in a fucking toilet

[lances pov]

I kissed him he kissed me back his lips tasted like romen and strawberries werid
"so who was the girl you were making out with in the bathroom?"
"come on Kyle said you two were going hard at it "
Kyle?! Fuck...

Sorry for such a long wait but the chapters long hope that makes up for it

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