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This inst really a more of an explanation to the plot because i realized its really confusing.i also am having very bad writers block for this story so yeet.

i also realized i had Keith talk for the stupidest reason so yeah

So Keith can make fire appear and light things on fire Keith also has a demon that basically lives inside him since birth and that demon has Keith body while Keith sleeps which due to this is why Keith never sleep and rather smokes and that helps with his not sleeping. Keith hated his vocie and got bullied for how squeaky it was so from 4th grade on he never talked.

lance is what im going to call a agua (ah-gu) i think idk but yea and he can manipulate water and is cold to the touch he found this out before he moved when he got mad and it started raining.

the day skips are because it was a party and keith got drunk and kissed lance and people saw them and Keith ran out of the house an back home and lance was getting made fun of so he aid he didn't like it and it was all Keith idea

i was going to make keith related to dipper but ive decided against it so i may re write this story with the same plot but more organized or ill keep writing this one or stop im not for sure yet

comment -1 for new book same pot 2-keep writing this one 3-you dont really care 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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