Chapter 2

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Derick's POV

Last time i meet her in hospital, but when i told Stefan to search for her. She already went out from hospital. I just can't get out her small body from my mind. I feel like i wants to protect her and hug her in my arms. The knocking sound make me back to my track.

" Come in "

" Sir, your 2 o'clock is here. " Stefan pop his head a little on the door. I nod at him. Stefan walk inside my cabin with someone, He was like late forty because i can see slight white in his hair. But he was still stand up straight. Stefan gestured him to sit on the sofa in the middle from my room and excuse him self.

I walked to him, a strong cool water perfume hit my nose. Dress on his black pants with a black suit and a red tie. He looks good for his age, i offer my right hand and he receive my hand with his.

" Mr. Cliff, what can i help you? "

He gives me the file, i opened it. Inside it have a photo of girl. Her smile was so innocent and happy. She already pretty even does not wear make up, i can see that. I feel like i have met her before. But where?

" She is my daughter "

Wait. Stefan gives me the same photo the other day when he wants me to marry for a business. It's the same girl. But different photo. What i saw the other day she looks more mature and already like a woman. When i don't answered anything Mr. Cliff continue.

" What about you can marry my daughter and our business will be back to track. The stock will increase. Win-win situation from both side. " Mr. Cliff glanced at me with smirked in his face.

He wants me to marry her daughter just because of money?! Pity for her. Think about what Mr. Cliff was said, he is right. My stock will increase if i am marry. But is it the only way? Make woman came to my life, being my wife.

" Does your daughter agree about this marriage? "

" I will make her agree. Just accept my proposal and one month you will be marry to my daughter. "

I shocked at what he said. He will forced his own daughter? Because of that i hate the family. Parents or siblings. Already ten years i am never met my parents. They divorced when i just only 5 years old. My dad cheating with the other woman and my mom leave me alone in hell. My father's house. A drunk man, drugs, bring slut to his bed every night. I hate him. And i hate my mom. Without me knowing, my face tense, clenched my hands to not punching the bastard in front of me right in the face.

" I will call you if i agree with your proposal. "

Mr. Cliff went out. I called Stefan from intercom " Search all information about Mr. Cliff and her daughter. "

I clean all of my file, put it in my bag. Grabbed my phone and car key. Went out to parking area and hopped in to my Lamborghini. I drive with the speed into the small restaurant near my old house. When my family is complete. Pressed the car window down, i look at the sushi restaurant. I love to eat in here with my mom before. Small but warm, the food not as good as five stars restaurant but i like it. Stepped out from my car

" Uncle, Tuna sushi and one bowl of udon. " I told to grandfather who make all of the food here. He was already so old. I miss him. It looks like he does not recognize me. In ten years, only now i want to eat sushi again.

" Tuna and udon for the young man. " Grandfather gives me my orders with his wide smile. I smiled back at him. There are few people who come not as before. Only 2 tables now.

Suddenly, i hear someone standing next to my table. I look up and see the girl, her cheek was slightly red and i can smell the alcohol full in her body. " Can i join you, Sir? "

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