Chapter 13

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Derick's POV

I wake up in the morning by the sound of my phone. Searching my phone next to me, grabbed it. Answered without looks the caller id.

" Sir. I already met the doctor who can heal your brother. But..."

I opened my eyes and see my wife Jenna still sleeping soundly around my arm. Slowly i lifted her head put on the pillow. I get up to the balcony.

" But what? "

" He was not sure enough if it will healed. The success is just 10 percent. "

I will try anything to make Matt healed. I don't wants anyone i love left me again. Not after my mom. Although success just only 10 percent. I told Stefan to arrange the meeting to met the doctor tomorrow. Because today, I make the promised to Jenna. To company her shopping all day. She said she wants the wedding just for both of us. In home.

Our home.

Someone hands wrapping around my stomach from back. Turn around my body, i kissed Jenna on the forehead.

" Good morning, honey. "

" Morning. Who you call? "

" Stefan. I just told him that i will not come to the company today. "

Jenna tiptoed her feet then she peck my lips. I don't know about this romantic side of Jenna. I think she was like shy girl or something. But when we said love to each other, her attitude change. To the positive one of course. She was more beautiful and sexy.

My perfect woman.

Later i am waiting for Jenna downstairs in the living room while watch the television. If girls said she only need 30 minutes to get ready. It's a lie. Because i am already waiting for 2 hours now and she never coming down.

Just be patience Derick. Girls need time to make you satisfied by their looks. If she was happy then i will be happy too, right? After 20 minutes, i heard the sound of heels behind me walking towards.

" Sorry i make you waiting. " Jenna put her head on my shoulders from the back. I stroked her hair, smelling her perfume.

" It's okay. I will do anything for you. " I pulled her closer to me. She sit on my laps. Cupped her both cheek, then i kissed her. I can smell toothpaste inside her mouth. She showering for 2 hours? Really? I am never understand woman.

Bit her lips lightly, she moan. I trailed her mouth with my tongue, move one my hand to her neck. Pressed it to me more. While she wrapped her arms on my neck. Playing with my hair. The kissing session will continued further if i don't stopped it now. I release the kissed, she was catch her breath.

" Let's go. " I intertwined my fingers to her. Walked towards my car. I opened the door, and she get inside.

" So... Where we must go now, honey? "

" Hmm... I wants to buy some cosmetics and clothes. "

I nodded. Brings her to the mall not far for our home. Today, she will be the princess. But tonight, i will make her mine once again. My mine already gone anywhere. See her naked in my bed again for the second time. Yesterday, i know she was tired so i let him sleep in my bed without touching her. I hold myself last night.

Wrapped my hand around her waist. We get inside the mall. Jenna dragged me to H&M, Forever 21, etc. Buying everything when she looks at it.

" Baby, This or this? " Jenna lifted two clothes in her hands. Told me to choose.

But believe me, when i choose one of them. She will said the two of them is perfect. So last case, she still buy two. So, my opinion not useful. But I am still have to choose, before Jenna got mad. I pointed my finger to the one in left her hand. Pink clothes with flowers in them.

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