Chapter 17

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Jenna's POV

" Matt, i have good news for you. So you must wake up and i will tell you. Understand? " I said to Matt who laying in hospital bed. The nurse ready to bring him to the operation room. Hold to Matt's hands and Derick stay next to me. I know he must scared too. But he does not wants anyone looks at him weak. He has the same attitude with Matt. It must be in their blood. Never shows the weakness to anybody.

" I will, Jenna. Take care of my brother, okay? Or he will depressed. He needs someone. " Matt whispers to my ear so Derick can't hear.

I nodded and the nurse begins to pushed Matt, i followed him until he got inside the operation room.

" Take care of him. "

" I will give my best. " The doctor tapped to Derick's shoulders before get inside. All my tears that i hold on, break. Quickly Derick comes to me to hold me.

Derick stroked my hair and whispers " Everything will be okay. "

Please, God. Don't take him away from us. I need him here. He was too kind and too young to die. He deserved to live long enough to married and have children. I prayed non-stop. It's already four hours and the doctor still not going out. My feelings begins to worry. What if he can't make it?

What if he left me here?

What if i don't have a chance to tell him that he will have a nephew?

" Honey, you need to eat. "

I just shakes my head. I don't have a appetite until I know Matt condition and he was find. Leaned my head to Derick's shoulders and closed my eyes. Derick must be worry too. To Matt and to me. I know i am being like this will be bad for my baby. But what i am supposed to do when i just can't stop thinking about Matt.

Until nine hours, we waiting in front of the operation room. The doctor get out, quickly i stand up to sudden make me lost my balance. Derick wrapped his hand around my waist, pulled me to his arms. " Be careful. Remember, you are pregnant now. " Derick said with his mad sound. I just murmured thank you and walked towards the doctor. While Derick followed me from behind.

" The operation success. But..."

But always be bad. I take a deep breath before the doctor continued. And Derick like ready to hold me if i fainted or fall. Because he put his hands around me.

" We will know furthermore after he awake. Just wait and prayed for him. " Then the doctor leave after he said to Derick, we can see him two days for now when he was moved to hospital room. But i just can't heard anything again. My mind was blank and around me feel so quiet. Suddenly, my vision come to the dark.

Last i heard, Derick shouting my name.

I opened my eyes, see the white ceiling. It must be the hospital room. Look around and find Derick was next to me. Remembered what happen, placed my hand on my stomach. My baby?

" Our baby was fine. I told you, you need to eat. "

Derick placed his hand on top of mine. He pulled his hand away when the doctor come inside.

" The pregnant woman can't stress and think too much. You must remembered, you have baby inside you. Stress is not good for the baby. Don't late to eat. It's not good for the baby. And you can go when you want. " The doctor explained to me. I stay quiet so Derick said thank you for me. Then the doctor get out.

Derick helped to sit in the hospital bed. Sit next to me in the bed and feeding me chicken porridge. But i feel like wants to throw up when i smell the food. So i shakes my head.

" Just a little. Please, for me. " Derick said and still trying to make my mouth opened. Taking a deep breath, then opened my mouth. He was smiled when he success to make me eat.

When i am full enough, Derick give me water and i drink it. " Can we met Matt? "

" After he was move to the hospital room. "

" When? "

" Two more days. Now, you need to rest. Don't thinking about anything that can make you stress yourself. " Derick made me laying on the bed while he grabbed the glassed and put it in the table next to me. He pulled the cover for me. Turn off the lamp. Slowly i closed my eyes to have a sleep.

Derick kissed me on the forehead while he whispers. " I love you. " And rubbing his hand on my stomach. When he wants to get out i hold his hand.

" Stay with me. I can't sleep. "

Later Derick laying next to me in the hospital bed, i put my head on his chest. Hear his heart beat. My favorite place. Then i can feel slowly ready to fall asleep. Derick played with my hair, sometimes smell my hair or kissed my head. He always cared for me.

I love him so much.


" Matt, please wake up. " I rocked his body slowly. He was already being move to the hospital room. But he was still sleeping. He must be tired. Yeah, he must be. I believe that Matt not coma, he just sleep. At least, we will still have hope. That one day, he will wake up.

Me and Derick taking turns to take care of Matt. I will take care of him in the morning until Derick back from his company. And he will sleep in hospital so i am still can sleep in home. I don't agree with Derick first, but after we have debate and Derick wants me to still have enough rest at night for our baby. I agreed to him.

Sometimes i will read his favorite books. He likes all of about the history. The war. Something like that. Actions, thriller.

The knocking sound heard from the outside, already twelve in the afternoon. It must be Maria. Derick always told Maria to bring me the food from home. He said the food in hospital not good for the baby. Derick just does not let me do anything. Sent me Stefan to take care of me. He was possessive husband.

" Mrs. Colton, time to eat. " Maria get inside and prepared my lunch. Vegetables, meat, until milk. It's perfect. My carvings from food stopped when i know i am pregnant. So now i can eat anything.

For what i read the pregnant woman will have the food that she can't eat but i don't. I am also don't throwing up every morning or night. Like the other. Rubbing to my stomach. You are so kind my baby, not make your mom difficult. Talking to my stomach.

" Thank you, Maria. You can go home, i will bring the plate with me later. "

Maria nodded and she got out. I begins to eat. Suddenly, my phone ring in my bag. I put the plate on the desk next to bed. Walked to sofa where i put my bag. After i found my phone, i looked to caller id. It's my possessive husband.

" I am eating now. And Maria already go back. Stefan still standing outside. If anything is missing my lovely husband? " He always asked the same questions when he called me.

I can hear he was laughing. " What's about my baby? "

" Fine. But we missed you. " I said to Derick. Until now i am still blushing when said the romantic things to him. Like i love you and i miss you. And when he touched me, my heart still beating so hard. Like the first i met him.

I can feel Derick smiled. " I missed you both too. I will come soon. " He make the kissing sound before he hang up the phone.

I walked towards Matt bed, leaned closer to his ear. " You must be confused about we. I am pregnant Matt. And soon you will have a nephew. A cute nephew. Who will love you always like his own father. "

And right when i wants went to bathroom, someone hand grabbed me. I turn around and see Matt opened his eyes.

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