Chapter 14

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Derick's POV 

" Happy birthday, baby. " In front of me standing Jenna with the cake and next to her Edward. Why he must be here? Jenna was like thinking my mind. 

" Edward helped me to prepare all of this. " 

I am smiling and murmured thank you not so sincere although. I forgot that today was my birthday. I am never celebrate my birthday again, last was when i am 5 years old. Before my mom left me. After that, i always hate birthday. But now, Jenna here making my life back to the track again. I can feel someone guide to come to future. Before i just stuck in my past. Don't walked towards. 

I kissed Jenna both cheek before blew the candle. 

" Derick! Make a wish! " She was pouting. But i am already make a wish. 

I giggled from her action. Edward helped Jenna put the cake back to the kitchen. 

" My wish was here. With you. " 

Jenna smiled when i whisper to her ear, i see blush in her cheek. Before she walked to the kitchen i peck her lips. Then followed her. In the table i see full of food. From western to the Asian food. 

We starts to eat. Jenna sitting next to me while Edward sit across me. He poured me the wine then lifted to make a toast. Jenna lifted her own glass to Edward but he was not poured it. I am confused by their action. 

" Never give her alcohol. She will not stopped if already drink. " Jenna and Edward laughing. Sometimes i am envy with their relationship. It's like Edward understand all about Jenna. Know about what she likes and what she hates. 

How about me? I am always thinking about myself only. I don't know anything about her. 

" Derick, can Edward sleep here tonight? " 

I am disappointed because i am already thinking about what i wants doing tonight with Jenna in bed. But i can't do it when someone was here. So i just nodded then smiled to Jenna. She screamed jumping around. After we done eating Jenna washed the plate. While me and Edward awkward in the living room. Drinking the beer. 

" I am already know her since child. You can relax. I am indeed have a feelings for her, but you know when i confessed to her. She was laughing so hard, and said that i am joking. So after that, i know she love me just for best friend. " 

Drinking my whole beer and opened the new one. Because my body was boiling inside. What? He said that he have feelings for my wife? And he brave enough to tell her husband this. 

Because i just quiet does not say anything he continued. Really talk too much for guys. 

" But when she told me about you... I can see something different when she looks at me. She looks so happy. Her face was bright. Her cheeks blushing. Like teenager fall in love. You can believe her. " 

I think Edward was nice. He was understanding me. I must not be jealous all of the people around Jenna. And just believe her. 

Smiled as i stare down at Jenna beautiful sleeping face. Slide my index finger to her face, start with her eyes, nose, and down to her lips. 

Jenna moves in her sleep, turning away from me. I kissed her upper back. Get out of bed to the bathroom to take a piss. It's still midnight 3 AM. Once i am done, washing my hands before walked out. I turn the television on but lower the sound so i don't wake Jenna up. Pressed the random channel that has a  Annabelle, the horror movie. I watched it, then i feel Jenna move closer to me, wrapped her arms around my waist. I place my arms in the bed, pulled her, she put her head on my chest being comfortable. While i played with her hair still watching the movie. Later i can feel Jenna played her fingers in my chest. Trailed my chest make a circle. I looks down to her, she was already wake up. And stared at my bare chest. Kissing her forehead, make her lifted her head up to looks at me. She smiled. Then we watched the movie together, sometimes when the ghost come out she will hide her face with her hands or hugged me so tight. Make her so cute. 

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