Chapter 6

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Jenna's POV

" Dad. " Derick come with me to my house to talked about the marry thing. I already asked him not to tell my dad about the contract marriage. Don't want to disappointed him anymore.

My dad looks at me from living room couch with my mom. And my sister, Feren. My body tensed because of angry and feared. Suddenly, Derick hold my hand. I looks at him, he only smiled. But i don't know why. He gives me strength to keep going. I smiled back to him. Grabbed his hand back.

We walked to my parents and sit on the couch.

" Hello, Mr. Cliff and Mrs. Cliff. " Derick said first to my parents. I can feel my mom gaze to me and Feren just do something with her phone. Maybe she was texting with Matt. I missed my life with Matt. He always kind to me, cared for me. I don't know that he does not love me. But just my money. Wait... He knows, i am not her biological daughter so he left me. Because now, i am will not get anything from this family.

" 2 weeks and you both will get married. "

Feel the tight grip of Derick hand, i slowly tapped his shoulder to make him calmed down. And not to broke my hand.

" I am not your puppies, Mr. Cliff. We will take care of the wedding. You can just sit still and see your stock rises. " I am shocked when that words come from Derick.

He was never being a jerked when he was with me. This side of him who can make anyone afraid of him. Even from my dad. I can see my eyes dad shivered a little. Sign of he was afraid with Derick.

Derick not finished yet " Jenna will stayed with me from now. Don't tried to called her or do anything can make her hurt. If you guys brave enough to fight me. Then just please, do it. But you will all can take the consequence of your behavior. Understand? "

Derick stand for me. He defend me from my parents. But for what? We just pretending and this is only the contract marriage. Not real. I looks at my parents and they nodded like a puppies.

" Mom... Dad... Sorry for everything. And thank you to take care of me all this time. You both always be my parents. " I said to them before Derick dragged me out for own house. Yes, in the past this was my house. But now, not anymore.

" It's hurt, Derick. " I tried to release his strong grip in my arms. But he does not let me go. Or heard me. He make a quick stepped with his long leg and i followed him like a puppies being dragged.

" Slow down. I am wearing heels you know. "

" Derick! " I shouted and his mind back to track. He turn to me, looks at me who control my breathing. Released his grip in my hand. I can see the red sign in my hand. It will turn blue tomorrow.

He brings his hand to his hair. Like stress for hurting me. " Sorry. "

I am not angry with him, why he must feel guilty?

" Your dad make me angry for nothing. He was being a very bad dad. "

I am laughing for his words. Derick said my dad being bad. He never told to his self i think.

" Why you are laughing? Nothing funny. "

" You are very funny, Derick. You know what, I will never be bored with you. "

He confused about what i said. But i left him without explained to him. He was smart enough to think about what i am said. He was a billionaire, he can runs the management so well. Hotel, restaurant, villa, bar, and girls. He knows anything about girls.

Waiting in front of his car door. Later he knows what i am laughing about. He came to me.

" I am not that bad like him. "

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