Chapter 11

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Jenna's POV

" I am sorry, Jenna. Really. " Matt whisper to my ear still hugging me so tight. I buried my face to his chest crying.

After i stopped crying, i push him to looks at his face. Stared at into his eyes, i found scared. Lifted my hand to his cheek. In the past, I really love him. He was my hero, my love. And now my feeling to him, was cared, love to the brother.

" You can get over your ill. Just believe, that you will recover. "

" I will never give up, Jenna. For you. Remembered, that i promised you not to leave you. " Matt said. While brushed my tears with his thumb.

I nodded. He smiled to me, tapped my head.

" Where is my brother? "

" I don't know. "

Matt looks confused and tried to read my mind. " You can tell me, if you wants. "

Turn my gaze to outside the window car. I don't know what i am supposed to do. Tell Matt that i fall in love to his brother? Or that i have the contract marriage with him?

" Jenna, your phone. " I jerked my eyes to my phone to see the caller. Derick? Why he calls me? After what's happen today, i can't met him pretend like nothing happen. Suddenly, remembered that tonight i will go to his friend's wedding party. Looks to my wrist, it's already 6 PM.

Matt i need you tonight. You will met your brother. I looks to Matt, and he already knows that i wants something. So understanding me.

" What? "

" I will go with you to your friend's wedding party. "

" What?! "

Matt shakes his head repeatedly. He was think that it was not the good idea. He told me, that Derick will come to same party. And he does not want to show with me his brother's wife, he said it will make the paparazzi going crazy to the next month gossip. But with my puppy eyes and plead to him, finally he agreed with a deep breath of course.

Matt brings me to salon, buy me some dress. I got out from the boutique, while Matt waiting for me outside. I see him leaned his body to the car. Played with his hand phone. So he does not know i already done.

I cleared my throat to get his attention.

He watch me to top until my feet before said " You are perfect. "

I murmured thank you. He opened the car door for me, I get in and he get inside too. Not too long, we arrived to the hall, Matt opened the car door and help me to get out. Because i need him if i don't wants to falling. Wearing a 7 cm heels not my style at all. Usually i just wear 3 or 5 cm max. And also this long white dress is very make me hard to walked.

" Matt, please don't make me fall. " I whisper to Matt so other people can't hear it. He giggled, he make my hand looped to his arms. Everybody watch me and Matt while we walked inside. I know, that they know me. Because marry the billionaire will make you famous enough in the cover magazines.

" Hi bro! " Guy in late twenty, tapped Matt's shoulders. He was with a beautiful girl with her curly brown hair. Her body so perfect like models. Sometimes i will envy the girl who have perfect figure.

" Hi, Gary. "

" Why you don't come yesterday? We really have perfect party. " I can see with his attitude that this guy is a playboy. Like to played with girls. Party? Since when Matt like to go to the party? He never wants went to place like that in the past.

Gary, that guy move his gaze to me. " Who is this beautiful girl? " He take out his hand to me. I stared at him for long enough until Matt said.

" Jenna, he was my friend in the college. " I shook his hand but after that he brings my hand to his lips, and kissed it. I pulled my arm with disgusting face.

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