Chapter 10

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Jenna's POV

" We will went to the my business partner wedding tonight, be ready at 7. I will pick you up. " Derick said to me while i was busy in the kitchen. Baking a cake. I need something to make me forget about him. To distract me.

I am just nodded without looking at him. Later i heard the sound door closing, it's the sign the he already left to the office.

While i was waiting, my phone rang. I am running to the living room, grabbed my phone. Answered it before see who was calling.

" Jen..."

" Feren? " It's been a long time to hear from my family again. Especially Feren. My sister.

" Can you met me at the cafe, usual place? "

I am confused. Feren words like she wants to tell me something important. And she looks nervous for her sound. I hang up the phone after i agree to her. I texting Derick, to let him know i will come back before 7 PM. Grabbed my car key and my phone. Get into the car.

Shortly after, i arrived. I looks to the window's cafe, Feren sit still played with her fingers. She always do that thing when she was scared or nervous. Or when she hide something.

" Hi. "

Feren looks at me. Suddenly she stand up and hugged me. Her body shivering. She crying so loud in my shoulders. I soothing her, to stopped crying.

" Can you tell me now, what's the problem? " When Feren stopped cried, i asked her.

We sit in corner inside Starbucks cafe near the window.

She take a long deep breath before said " Matt was sick, Jenna. "

Startled by her words, what she was mean? Sick? But Matt healthy enough when last time i met him. In my house 2 months ago. I never met him again after that.

" Matt leave you... because he knew that he will die soon. He never lied to you, Jenna. He always love you. " Feren explained all what i wants to know. Why Matt leave me? I know, Matt not the person who love money. Also, he have money. Matt already working for 2 years in his own office.

My words like stuck in my throat does not want to come out. I can't speak anything. All i know, my tears already fall to my cheek without me knowing. What i can think now was that Matt will die soon? No. He can't die before explained all of this. I stand up and trying to called Matt number. But he reject it.

" Matt ordered me not to tell anything to you. But i can't, Jenna. Something else, you should know. Matt have a brother. And... Derick was his older brother. They never met for 10 years already. "

Derick? My husband? Remembered his last name, Colton. Yeah, Matt's last name same with him. I have seen a pictures in Matt's room. With his brother.

Derick ignored me because he already know about it. I clenched my hand to calm me down, not to let my emotion control me. Just take a deep breath, Jenna.

" Where was Matt? "

Feren checked her phone maybe message from Matt. " He said that he will went to his friend wedding today. "

Is it the same friend with Derick? Maybe yes.

I said goodbye to Feren. " Thank you for telling all this. "

Feren just nodded. I left her inside the cafe while i tried to call Derick. But he does not answered, like usual. I text him, to let him know i am on the way to his company. I must finished this problem. I can't running away. Just facing it!

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