Chapter 12

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Derick's POV

" Why you hate me? " Matt asked me. But i am never hate him all this time. I just hate the fact, that i have a broken family. Something i wants to forget.

" I don't hate you. "

" But you always ignored me for 10 years! Seriously! "

Yes, it's true. But i am never stopped to cared for him. I am still watch him far away. Helped him quietly. I invest half of his company. Because i know he needs the investor to opened his company. But he will never knows about it.

" I am sorry. "

" I don't need your apologize. I just need a brother! " He shout at me while i am just ignored his gaze. It's not important again.

" You are sick? " I asked him. Suddenly his face pale. He shocked because i know about his illness? " You are okay? " I am worried about him. He was still my brother and he always be.

He hold to the railing to helped him standing. " Just feel dizzy. I am okay. Derick, please don't ever tell Jenna about this. My diseases. There is no cure. The doctor predicted my time was only 2 or 3 months. But Jenna still believe i can healed..."

I see the tears fall from Matt's cheek. What i know about my brother, that he never cried. He was always strong. When he fall, he will stand up again. But here, i see the give up man. He was change.

Matt continued after take a deep breath. " She always positive about her life. Never give up. The cheerful girl always smiling to her problems. Jenna always have hope. But you know what, in the inside she was weak. "

" I know about that. "

" You really lucky to be her husband. Will you grant me one thing? "

I am just silenced before nodded.

" Never make her cried. And never left her alone. Only you she has now. "

I am smiled. Nothing to worry about it. I already promised to her not to leave her alone. And about make her cry i know i am a bastard in the past few days. Ignored her for my problems? It's unfair for her.

" She still love you, Matt. " Confessed about my jealousy to my brother was so embarrassing. But Matt does not know about the contract marriage i make with Jenna, right? Yeah he must not know. Because if he already know, he will already punched me or kill me maybe.

Matt shakes his head and stared at me. Our eyes met.

" She loves you, brother. You just need to opened your heart and accept her. I know you love her too. But you scared about your past. Not all the family will be broken like our family. "

She love me? But she never said it. I know Matt true. My hate about the family topics will broke me down.

What if she left me same with my mother?

What if i can't be the good father? What if i will broke my family too?

" Don't think too much. Just do what your heart wants. Heart never wrong. " Matt tapped my shoulders before he left me alone still stuck in my mind.

I called Stefan to searching about the doctor who can cure Matt. I don't wants everyone who i love left me again. Not again. I promised that. I must told Jenna that i love her. Yes, the one who will be my mother to my children. It was her.

My mate.


" I am sorry for these several days. "

" You can still apologize? "

Jenna giggled. She was smiling again. We were in my car, going home after the wedding party finished. She was said goodbye to Matt. I am finished all of my problems with my brother. Now, only Jenna. I will told her tonight.

About the contract.

About my feelings.

I helped her to get out from the car. Wrapped my arms around her waist, first she was startled what i am doing. But she just quiet not comment anything.

" Jenna. Can we talked? "

" Just do it tomorrow. I am very tired now. "

" Only a seconds. Please. " If i don't talked to her right now. I don't know that i can do it tomorrow or not.

She nodded and walked to the living room, sit on the sofa. Take off her heels. I followed her, sit next to her.

" The contract we made..."

Jenna cut me off before i can explained to her. " You hate me, right? And you want to have a divorce? You will left me..."

I pulled her to my lap and starts to kissing her lips. She was shocked and freezing does not kissing me back. Why she just thinking about the negative things? Where is Jenna i know? The positive one.

" I wants to canceled the contract. I will make the new contract. Will you listen to me first? Not cut my words. "

She nodded just like a puppy.

" The contract i will canceled it. I don't when i start to like you. I don't know why i feel hurt if i looks you crying. When i don't see your face, my mind going crazy. I am never believe about the family. But after i met you, everything change. I am starting to want build the family. Have a children. It seems that all i have ever done in my life is making my way here to you. I am still don't know about like and love, but i'd sure like to find out with you. If you wants to make me promised not to love any girl beside you, i am sorry. But i can't. "

Jenna's face change to mad when i said the last words. She stand up wants to walked away. But i hold her hand. I kneel in front of her, take out the box from my pocket.

" The next girl i will ever love on this earth will be our daughter. Jenna Andara Cliff, will you once again marry me? For real not fake. "

I opened the box and it's the ring inside. On the top of the ring have a diamond. I am design it alone. I am buy the ring to propose to her when i know that i love her. But everything change after i know about Matt. I am starting to ignored her. But i always bring the ring with me.

I looks at Jenna, she was crying. Tried to hold her tears back. It's not stopping. I stand up and hugged her. Soothing her. Caressed her back and her hair.

" I love you, Jenna. "

After a while, she stopped crying. She pushed me making our eyes met. She tiptoe and wrapped his arms around my neck. Pulled me down and she kissed me. I kissed her back wrapped my arms around her waist.

" Forever in my heart is where you will be. Nobody will enter because just you have the only key. Yes, Derick Ezell Colton. The arrogance billionaire. I will be your wife once again. "

Quickly i hugged her and scooped her little turning her around the living room. While she wrapped her arms around me. Giggled.

It's the best memory in my life.

The best moments.

Right here

Right now.

Just with the one i love.


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