Chapter 16

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Derick's POV

" Honey, i can explained. "

Jenna angry with me because i hide the important things to her. Moreover it's about Matt's condition. I tried to explained to her, but she does not wants heard anything from me. I hold her hand when she wants to get out from my company.

" Please, let me explained. "

" What?! You wants to lie again?! "

I take a deep breath to calmed down. My employees already looks at us. And i don't wants to ruin my image or Jenna, so i dragged Jenna to my car. Tell her to get inside.

" Matt can recover. But the success only 10 percent. He was already agreed to do the operation but the problem now i can't find the same blood type. I don't wants to tell you because i am afraid you will stress out. "

I heard the sobbing sound next to me. Jenna was crying, she hide her face with her hands. I leaned closer to her, hold her hands and bring it down. I hugged her while she was crying loudly in my shoulders. Caressed her back and soothing her to stopped crying. But she does not stop.

" What... His blood type? " Jenna asked me still sobbing.

" AB. "

All of a sudden, Jenna pushed me. " I am same with him. AB. I will be the donor. " She said while trying to stop cry. Brushed her tears away with my thumbs. If she wants to be the donor, i will not forbid her. I nodded then she hugged me.

" I can't lose both of you... Never. " Jenna whispered to me.


Jenna's POV

Derick bring me to the hospital to take the test if i can be a donor or no. I will doing anything for Matt, he always be here for me when i need him. So i am not give up on him. I am nervous because i am afraid to injection. Derick like know i am scared, he hold my hand.

" Everything will be okay. I am right here. " I smiled to him and nodded. I am relieve have him beside me. Or i will confused what i am supposed to do if he was not here with me.

" Mrs. Colton. " The nurse called my name. Derick wrapped his hand around my waist and we walked towards the laboratory room.

" You can wait here. " The nurse said to Derick when he wants to get inside. I must get inside alone? I looks back to Derick before the nurse dragged me inside.

I see two nurse prepared the injection while one of they told me to take a sit. She check my blood pressure. And when everything normal. She was ready to shot me. Take a little of my blood to take the test.

I closed my eyes when the injection near my arm. Just take a deep breath, Jenna. You can do it.

" Done. The result will be done in one hours." I looks at my arm and have a little blood there. Where she cover it with cotton. Told me to pressed it for thirty minutes. I get out and see Derick standing in front of the room.

" The blood will stopped. Let's eat something while we wait for the result. " Derick giggled because i still looks to my arm. He hold my hand bring me to hospital canteen. Derick buy me chicken katsu while he buy the noodles.

I am eating my whole food but i am still hungry. I looks next to me. Derick who still eating his noodles makes me wants some.

" Can i taste it? " I leaned closer to him. He looks at my plate and confused why i eat so much lately but still not fat. I don't know why i eat and cravings for some food these past days. I am always hungry and lazy to do anything.

Derick give me his bowl and stared at me. But i don't care about my cravings and just eat the whole noodles. " Slow down, honey. " Derick give me water and i drink it. Only 5 minutes to finished it.

The nurse called me again and now i am alone inside the doctor's room. Doctor Natty, i read her name on her white gown. She checks all my file so i just waiting. What if my health can't be the donor? I can't save Matt. I hope it will not have the problems.

She cleared her throat before said " You can't be the donor. "

My mind suddenly blank for what she said. WHY? It's just the only question i wants to know. But my sound does not wants to come out.

" These past days, Is you feel something different to your body? Like you cravings for some sweet things or your appetite increases? " The doctor continued because i don't said anything.

I just stay there frozen. I have illness too?

I will died soon? Leaving world? Leaving Derick?

All the questions full on my mind.

I can heard the doctor said to the nurse. " Tell her husband to get inside. "

Later i feel someone rocked my body slowly. " Honey, are you okay? " I looks Derick sit next to me. Worried in his face visible. I throw my body to him. Derick hugged me back. He keep asked me why. But i just wants to be in his arms. I feel safe here.

" What's going on here? " Derick asked the doctor.

The doctor giggled before said " I just said to her she can't be the donor. I asked her if she feel something different to her body and have the increases appetite. "

" She always cravings food these past days. Her mood also can change unpredictable. " Derick explained for me to the doctor while i am still in Derick's arms. Not let him go.

The doctor give Derick my result. " It's because she was..."

I closed my ear don't wants to hear my illness. But Derick hold my hands and forced me to heard what's the doctor wants to explained.

" You are pregnant. Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Colton. "


I am pregnant?

I don't have the serious illness?

I can't believe what i heard before Derick shake the doctor hands and hugged me. " You are already past the trimester. If you confused because you don't feel like wants throwing up like the other pregnant woman, it can happen sometimes. " The doctor explained to me again. Without me knowing i am already let out my tears fall.

So i am already pregnant when i have sex with Derick at our honeymoon. Our first night.

Then my mind remembered Matt. What's about Matt? He does not have the donor yet. Derick was like reading my mind. He make me looks at him and our eyes met. I can see Derick was so happy same like me.

" Don't think about anything else. Just take care of yourself and our baby. About Matt, i already met someone have the same blood type with him. It's my business partner. So don't stress yourself, okay Honey? " Derick cupped my both cheeks and i am nodded.

We get home after Derick take care of the operation. It will be tomorrow at seven in the morning. Matt already treated today. I am not patience to told him about this good news.

" Do you need something, honey? Or you wants to eat something? I will buy it for you. " Derick asked me after we get inside our room. He was treat me like i am a sick person not the pregnant woman. But i like to be spoiled with him.

I shakes my head. I just wants to sleep now. I am very tired walked with heels. Take my stepped towards the bed and i laying there. Closing my eyes. I can heard Derick walked closer to me and sit in the bed. He held my feet, lifted them up and put my feet on his lap.

Jerked my eyes opened. " What are you doing, baby? "

" Sleep. I am gonna massage your feet. It will relax you. And never wear heels anymore. " Derick emphasize the word never.

Slowly i feel my eyes so heavy. Then later i fell sleep while Derick still massage my feet after i heard Derick leaned closer to my stomach. Rubbing and kissed my stomach. Also he whispers " I love you, both. My wife and my baby. " It's so making me relax.

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