Chapter 9

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Derick's POV

" Jenna, wake up. "

Rocking her body slowly. Last night was uncomfortable. She was different from the other girls. I can't forget how she screamed my name.

Her sexy sound.

Her sweet scent.

Jenna opened her eyes when the sun hit her eyes. She hide her face with the blankets. But i pulled the blankets. She was gazed at me with her beautiful grey eyes.

" You wants to looks around or stay in the bed all day? "

" I am tired, Derick. Just let me sleep for 5 minutes again. " She pouting her mouth into o shape. With her puppy eyes, plead to me.

I shakes my head. Because 5 minutes will become 10 minutes and so on. I pulled her so she was sit down on the bed now. I places the breakfast to her laps. Pancakes with milk.

Today we will be going to Doge's palace. Have a good photo there will be interesting. One of my hobbies are photography. But i don't like to be in the picture.

Jenna finished all her breakfast and she went to bathroom. I got out because i don't want to see Jenna when showering. Take care of my works while waiting for Jenna in my office. I am already told the receptionist to take Jenna to my room.

Later the knocking sound heard " Come in. "

I looks at the door and Jenna's head peeping inside. She looks around maybe searching me. When she find me, she stepped inside. Walked with quick step to in front of my desk. With both hands in her waist.

" This is our honeymoon, Derick. And you are working? I know, that it's just the fake. But please, can you acting for me? For the real one? I wants to refreshing here. Not stuck inside the office. "

" Okay. Let's go. " I put my hand on her shoulders. Dragged her outside to my car. Opened the door for her. She get inside with her upset face.

" Where do you want to go? " I asked her when i am already in the car. She was thinking but i can't wait so i stepped the gas. I will bring her to my plan. It's one of my character, can't be patient.

We being silent in the car just the sound of the music from the radio. Sometimes she will sing a long with it.

" Wow... It's so...large. " We already arrived in Doge's palace, so many pigeons here. Jenna played with the pigeons. Quickly i grabbed the camera and capture her while she laughing and running around.

" Derick! Come here! " Jenna shouting for far away. She was really energetic. Even though she wears heels. " Take my photo. " She was being ready for me to take her picture. I am laughing when she was trying to make the cute face. But failed.

She makes me capture it again and again with the same pose. She always said it's fat, ugly, or she looks short. Until she satisfied, i will be her professional photography today.

Jenna just can't stay for 1 minutes. Always running and dragged me around. She was like kids. So cheerful.

All of a sudden she stopped when we were in Bridge's of Sighs. She looks around like searching something. And she began to bow her head down. I come to her but not say anything.

" He promised me, to bring me here. " She said with soft tone but i can still hear her. He? Her ex boyfriend?

" I missed him. I missed Matt so much. "

When the name of him out from her mouth, I am freezing. No way. It's just the same name, right? Impossible. Not him, please.

" Derick, you are okay? " Jenna tapped my shoulder and i looks to her. I wants to asked her. But nothing came from my mouth. I can't make the sound. So i just nodded.

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