Chapter 3

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Jenna's POV

" Wake up. " I feel someone rock my body. Slowly i opened my eyes, look around. See the big house on the road. Just one house in this area. Full of tree around the house and i can see large swimming pool there.

" Is this your house? "

He nodded. I just realized, i still did not know his name. " Sir, can you tell me your name? "

He smiled, i am only look at him clearly now. He has a broad shoulders, the blue eyes make his face handsome, and his blonde hair is very fit him. Derick Ezell Colton?! I blinked my eyes many times. Because i don't believe what i see in front of me. No! It can't be.

He offered me his hand " Derick Ezell Colton, nice to meet you Jenna. "

He knows my name? I don't think i ever tell him. He like read my expressions and what i am thinking.

" Your father came to me. Give me the proposal to marry her daughter..." I cut him before he finished.

" I don't want to hear about the marry things again or about my parents. Or must i said Cliff's family. " Without waiting for him continued i walked to his house.

He opened the door, invite me to get inside. I am peaceful when he did not asked me about that again. His house so beautiful, it's not much of the furniture but still comfy. But in this big house, he only live alone?

Because my curiosity side i am always get problems.

" You live alone? "

" Where is your parents? "

" You don't have a siblings? "

" Can I..." He smacked his lips into mine, making me startled. I tried to pushed him but he hold my hands with one of his hand bring mine to the walls, his grip on mine so hurt. It will sore tomorrow. I can't fight back because he was so strong.

Why he always kissed me? We only met 2 times only.

I can't lied if he was a good kisser. And his breath i like it.

" Don't asked me anything if you want to stay in here. Understand? " His face tensed i can feel that. Nodded my head and he released my hand. Derick walked to kitchen and i just followed him. Opened the refrigerator, he gives me water. I can smell beer, i need alcohol now.

I pushed him and look inside refrigerator. Take 2 bottles of beer, bring it to living room. I sit on his carpet. Opened the canned beer, i gulp it in one shot.

" You don't tired? It's already 5 AM " Derick followed sit next to me.

I shake my head. And give him a bottle of beer, he accepted it. Opened it and drink it in one gulp. I can see his Adam's apple, he was so cool. He hissed right when i take the beer from his hand. The bloods there already dry. But i can see the wounds still opened slightly.

Hold his hand. " You have medicines? " He pointed to the bathroom, i stand up search for the medicine box. Opened his drawer one by one, It's full of medicines. He was sick? Why so many pill in here? I found it at the bottom. Quickly i came back to living room.

" Tell me if it's hurt " Cleaned the dry blood in his hand. The wound is not bad fortunately, I give him medicines to his wound and wrapped it with bandages. When high school i studied about the nursing. So i can handle this. Place his hand back to his laps. I cleaned the blood and when i want to stand, Derick hold my hand bring me to his laps.

" Stay here " He leaned closer to me make his head place in my shoulders. I touched his forehead. He has a fever. I sit still not move until he fell asleep. Slowly i lift his head and put it in sofa.

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