Chapter 4

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Jenna's POV

One month already i did not meet my dad, my mom, also Derick. I stay in my aunt house.

" Jenna, tell me why you stay in here? "

" Just miss you " I walked to her and helped her carrying an overnight bag in her left hand. Liz already asked me a hundred times why i am here. But i can't answer that. I don't know she know about me being adopted child or no.

" Your dad called me if you are in here or not. I can't lied anymore. "

" I will called him later. And tell him I am fine and will be home next month. "

Liz was the younger sister of my dad's. She was in her mid forty, single, not married. Lived in Brazil in the big house alone.

" Okay, but you know that you can tell me what is your problem. So i can help you "

I shake my head because i am not ready for this. Or should i said that i can't accept it. Walked to my room, throw my bag to the couch, laying on the soft mattress. Really tired shopping all day to forget all of my problems. I closed my eyes, seeing my mom's face. I missed her. All i know before i fell asleep, i am always crying at night.


In the dark.

" Jenna, wake up sleepy head! " Opened my eyes slowly, i shut my eyes again because the sun hit me.

" Closed it " I shouted at my friend, Edward. He was my childhood best friend. Lived around my aunt's house, not too far.

Edward laying next to me and begin to bother me with his child side. I can feel his hand touch my hand, to my thighs and before he begins to touch me where he should not. I grabbed his hand. Glared at him.

I took a deep breath and said " I already wake up. So what we supposed to do today? "

" Get ready. I will wait for you downstairs. Don't make me wait long, darling. " He leaned to kissed me but i stopped him. He was the playboy bastard. Played with all the girls, sleep with them and then throw them. Make them broken.

" Don't do that to me. I am not one of your toys. "

" If you want me to make you special, i will. " Edward giggled with his annoying smiled. He have black hair with blue eyes. Perfect for the guy, at least he can make any girls falling for him any seconds. 3 years older than me will make him proud about that. Always assume me his little sister.

I slapped him in the arms and he got out. Checked my phone, 10 calls from dad and 20 message from Derick. Turn off my phone, throw to the bed. Stepped to the bathroom. Showering with cold water to clean my mind for everything that i don't want to remember.

Wearing my new mini dress, black and opened slightly in the back. Make my back visible. Used the black high heels. Make my way to the kitchen where Edward and Liz make the breakfast.

" The princess ready to go " Edward turned his body to me right when i am already in the kitchen. He like can smell my body, always know where am i.

" Morning, Liz. " I sit in the stool and Edward bring my french toast with hot tea to me. I murmured thank you to him. He just smiled and back to helped Liz.

" Already called your dad? "

" Yes... yes, last night. " Stuttered with my words make Liz suspicious. She looks at me but i ignored her gaze. I changed the topic because i know Liz always distract to the small things.

" Hey, you can come with us if you want. We will went to the exhibition. "

Liz continued baking her cake " No, my friend birthday and we will celebrate it in her house. "

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