Wow, You're Emo

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I didn't come down for dinner. I didn't want to. I snacked instead on some leftover Halloween candy from who knows how long ago. I think this is what the kids call, a mood. Anyway, it wasn't long before I heard a slight knock on my window. It scared me because my first thought was Janet, then I looked over to see Dylan's endearing face. Thank goodness.

"Hey! How are you doing?" He climbed in through the window.

"Uh, good." I was a little taken aback by his window entrance but I suppose he couldn't use the door.

"You okay? I hope nothing too dramatic happened when I left you." He put his hands on his hips and looked around.

"I got in a fight with... my whole family. God I just... I don't how much longer I can live with this." I admitted. Sitting back down on my bed.

Dylan got a matter of fairly look on his face. "Well actually that has something to do with my surprise."

"Really?" I started to get an idea of what he might be planning.

"Yeah! So you remember that things you said a few days ago? About doing something big?" His eyes were wide with excitement. "Well let's do it. Let's get out of here, maybe for a few weeks, maybe for a month. Let's just go! I have everything worked out."

I blinked. "You do?"

He nodded up and down excitedly. "Yeah! But I want to go pretty soon. I'll tell you everything outside, pack some things."

I only took a few seconds to gather my favorite clothes and hoodies in a duffle bag. Along with a few other things like a phone charger and a lighter and knife I stole from Janet a few years ago. I could just barely fit my sketchbook and pencil bag on top. Also, the fifty dollars I had been saving up to buy a few binders. Then I climbed out the window and hopped off the roof to find Dylan waiting below, he was still grinning wildly.

"Alright follow me." He said, walking quickly toward a guitar shaped bag he had laid on the ground.

He swung the guitar over his shoulder and started walking quickly on the pathway towards the woods. I followed, not bothering to suppress the smile on my face as we ran off into the night. I thought we might be going towards the boulders but to my surprise he actually followed the trail this time. I hadn't really gone hiking around here before and I only had a general feel for the land so I was curious as to where he was leading me.

"Are we there yet?" I asked, and smiled.

He looked back at with that glint in his eye. "Almost! I swear it'll be worth it, and there's no murdering involved."

"Bummer." I rolled my eyes.

He glanced at me again, and his head tilted to the side in question before he slowed down to walk next to me. Then he slung and arm around my shoulder.

"Hey now, if anyone tried to hurt you, I'll personally shove them in a trash can. One of those big dumpsters." He promised, before giving me a softer and genuine smile.

It was touching, I didn't really know what else to do or say besides smile nervously back. Dylan seemed to take that as a good sign and we walked awkwardly in silence next to each other in the dark. I noticed just then he was shivering, and just wearing a short sleeve shirt and jeans.

"Aren't you cold?" I raised an eyebrow.

He shrugged. "Kinda, but it makes me feel more alive."

He shook his head suddenly and let out a shivering breath. Before shooting me a sheepish look.

"No matter how alive you feel you're going to get sick in this weather." I mused. "You want to borrow one of my hoodies?"

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