Happy Sinking

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    We talked for a bit but eventually after the first hour I leaned back my seat and fell asleep. When I woke up it was midafternoon and Dylan was still chugging on.

    "What time is it?" I blinked.

    "Around lunch." He yawned, we had both stayed up pretty late.

    I felt pretty bad because he was probably just as sleep deprived as I was but he couldn't take a rest. Then of course I couldn't I could think of anything to solve that problem. I discretely brought out my sketchbook and opened to a fresh page instead. Dylan's eyes were heavy but he was focused mainly on road now. He wouldn't mind if I just jotted down his face.

    Okay but in a totally not creepy artist way Dylan had a nice face. It was rectangle shaped and all his edges were pretty rounded which what for a pleasant effect as a whole. Good drawing stuff.  I thought about for a second as a doodled, what could I add to make it have more depth.  I blocked out half of his face and drew in the body of his ukulele over it, with the hole in the body going all the way through to the other side, so you could see his other eye. Not too bad if I say so myself.

    "Whoa!" Dylan gasped suddenly, yanking back into the present. "You drew me."

    I slammed my sketchbook shut. "Aha, ha. Uh... sorry."

    "No, it was cool!" He said excitedly. "I mean I only saw it for a second but you captured my ukulele perfectly, how'd you do it?"

    I blushed. "Good memory."

    He let his knees rest against the steering wheel to count off his fingers. "Let's see you've got, insane artistic talent, good memory, warm hoodies that are scarily outdated, a cute face-"

    "What?" I blushed again.

    Dylan blinked. "What did I say?"

    I frowned and opened my mouth but didn't really know how to repeat that. Me? Cute? I didn't even think I passed so it wasn't that likely.

    "Seriously what did I say? I zoned out while I was talking so I could concentrate on the road." He laughed nervously.

    I blinked at him slowly. "MCR is not outdated." I scoffed, covering up my shock.

    "Atticus, anyone who still listens to them is not okay, I promise." It wasn't an insult because he smirked and looked at me out of the corner of his eyes when he did so.

    I mock-gaped at his reference and slapped his shoulder lightly with my sketchbook while he burst out laughing at his own joke. He was still giggling as he reached into the back and yanked out his ukulele. To be fair it looked like we had been driving on the same long stretch of country road for a while now. So, it was only a little less dangerous than it sounds.

    He positioned his uke and smirked at me. "I can do better I swear, listen to this."

    He made one strum, and I screeched with the force of something who knows what's coming.

    "When I was, a young boy! -" He sang loudly and happily before I slapped my hand down on his instrument.

    "Okay, driver, I think that's enough music for you." I coughed passive aggressively, taking his uke in hand and returning it carefully to its case in the back.

    "Oh driver!" He exclaimed suddenly, as if he just had an epiphany. "I nearly forgot, our first stop."

    I squinted dubiously. "What now?"

    He pulled over to the side of the road and onto a small dirt road through the trees. I glanced over at him to see he had a determined look on his face and his tongue was sticking out. What did he had planned?

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