"If I'm just the nanny then you wouldn't care if I quit, or would you, Mr. Dolan?"
highest rankings:
#23 in fanfiction
#1 in dolan twins &
ethan dolan
"Blake? Mr.Dolan just called and said to wait for him in his office" Bruno informed me. He leads me to the office and I take a seat. I can never stay in one place so I get up and explore the room. It was all white with some black and gold. And everything was very well organized. I noticed this chess board and I accidentally bumped in with the table and it all fell. I'm such an idiot.
I bend down and start picking everything up. I heard someone cough and I immediately stop and turn around. What in the world. Am I in heaven? There's a god right in front of me. He had a black suit on and he looks so fucking hot. Don't even get me started on that jawline. And his hair! It's so beautiful with those wings.
"I'm assuming you're Blake Bryson?" He questioned and takes a seat on his chair. I nod and sit in front of him.
"Actually its Diamond, the worker just messed up" I half lied and he nods
"My mistake, well Ms.Diamond why should I hire you to take care of my children?" He asked
"I'm great with kids! I already met Sky and she's so cute and wonderful" I said. It's like he had no expression whatsoever. He just had a straight face.
"What other languages do you know?" He asked.
"I'm fluent in Spanish and only know some phrases in Italian."
"Do you drink or smoke?" He asked.
"Smoke, no. It causes cancer and smells disgusting. Drink, well depends on the occasion. But I rarely do" I talk way too much.
"I have 7 kids, two are 17 which are my oldest. One that's 15, a 14 year old. 2 that are 8 and my youngest, Sky who's 5" He said and my eyes widen. So I'm guessing his pull out game is weak? Shut up Blake
"Where's your wife?" I ask. He looks at me dead in the eyes
"She passed away 2 years ago" He replied
"Oh I-I'm sorry for your loss" I say and he gives me a small nod.
"In order for you to be the nanny. I need you to come in tomorrow and see how it'll work. My kids are a bit of trouble, in just 2 months I've hired about 30 nannies and not one of them lasted a day. You're my last hope Ms. Diamond" He says and chuckles at the last part
"Now I've seen your paper work and you're a very educated lady. You have an amazing record" He said. If only you knew.
"Thank you"
"Now I'll like you to meet my kids" He says. We both stand up and he calls down all his kids. One by one they each come down and line up from youngest to oldest.
"Kids this will be your nanny in a couple days depending if she'll stay. So I expect you all to be on your best behavior or else you'll be grounded" He said in a serious tone and they all nod
"Okay starting with my youngest. This Sky which you said you already met" I nod and smile at Sky, he moves on with two kids that look alike. "This is Chris and Alex my 8 year old twins" they send me a smile and I send one back. "This is Cameron and he's 14, that's Bailey and she's 15"
"Now these are my oldest set of twins, Aaliyah and Xavier who are 17" He says. "I'm sure you met Bruno already, he's the butler and Martha is the chief" He adds.
"When may I come in tomorrow?" I ask
"When they come from school so 4 pm and I won't be here because I have meetings all day tomorrow. But Bruno will help you with anything you'll need and remember Ms. Diamond you're my last hope" He said.
"You got the job?!" Jennifer asked
"Not yet, but dude there's 7 of them!" I explained
"7!? What the fuck that's almost a whole soccer team!"
"I know, but I start tomorrow. Well to see if I want the job or not"
"How much is he paying you?"
"I don't know, he'll let me know tomorrow"
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