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"ETHAN!" He turns around. Carlos and his team rush in and handcuff Nick. They walk away. Nick had a huge smile plastered on his face. I could've sworn I heard a gun shot before I walked it.

I run into Ethan's arms; he winced in pain. I furrowed my eyebrows and pull away. I scan his body, my eyes landed on his left leg.

It's bleeding.

"No! No!" I began to cry. He was losing blood. Too much blood.

"Carlos!" I screamed. Within seconds he runs pack in with his gun out. He was about to ask what happened; that's when he saw Ethan bleeding like crazy.

We rushed out the dressing room; Carlos having Ethan's arm around his neck. While his left one was on mine. Getting out the club; the ambulance was already there. I saw the cops about to put nick in the car, I jog up to them and pull him out. He smiles widely.

"You fucking heartless monster!" I cry, i tried to hit him as hard as could, but the cops pulled me back. Stupid fucks.

Please. Please. Let this just be a nightmare.

I get in the back of the ambulance with Ethan. Once he rested on the gurney he went unconscious. My felt my heart stop. I look at the paramedics and they hook him up with all machines. They cut open his jeans; seeing the bullet that was shot right through his left thigh.

His heart was still beating. Thank god.

I sob uncontrollably and hold onto his right hand tightly. This is not real. This can't be happening. It's all my fault. If I didn't tell him I worked there, he wouldn't have even been there in the first place.

"Ethan please don't me leave. Your kids. Your family" I squeeze his hand even more. His cold cold hand.

The ambulance suddenly stopped and they quickly open the doors and get Ethan out. I rush out the truck and walk by his side; continuing to hold onto his hand.

"Ma'am you need to stay out here" a nurse said from behind me.

"No! Please" I basically begged. She gave me a look of sympathy.

"Ma'am you need to stay out there" the paramedic tells me. I look down at Ethan.

"I love you. I'm sorry for everything. Please. Please be that strong guy you've always been" I kiss his forehead and they rush in another room.

I lean against the wall and slide down; sitting on the cold hospital floor. My body was trembling with fear. I couldn't explain what I was feeling right now. I was numb. Completely numb.

Why is life such a bitch?

Everything was perfect. It felt like we would all gain that happiness we lost; back. But, happy endings don't exist. As much as we want them to, they just don't.

"BLAKE!" I heard a voice from afar. I weakly stood up and saw Alex and Grayson jogging my direction. They both immediately hugged me.

"He'll be Okay" Alex coos. I pull away and wipe my tears. It was no use they wouldn't stop running down my face.

"Gray- Grayson" I choke out. He embraced me again and more tightly this time.

"Think positive. My brother is strong" he whispered. I look up at him and see that his eyes were watery.

I let go of him and sit back down on the floor. Wrapping my arms around my knees. I can't believe this is happening. It should've been me.

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