Ethan;It's only been 5 days since Blake left to New York with Grayson and the kids are so much trouble. They replaced Isabel's shampoo with blue hair dye. The twins put her expensive purse on fire and the older ones were recording it, laughing like maniacs. Took her white dress to the garden and put some mud on it.
These kids will be the death of me, I forgot how evil they are. Blake is the one who knows how to control them and they only listen to her, now.
"Ready baby?" Isabel asked. I nod and we drive to the doctors. Today is the day we find out what gender the baby is. The baby's due date is also coming up.
"Congratulations it's a boy!" The doctor said. Isabel sends me a smile and I send one back. We wanted to know the gender before the baby was born. Another boy. Wow.
"You can clean up, once the baby is born which should be in a few days, they'll give you guys another appointment" she says. We nod and the doctor leaves the room. I help Isabel up and she puts her shirt down and we walk out the room going to the front and grabbing a card.
We go back home and all the kids were in the family room.
"Is it a girl!?" Bailey asked
"Boy" I correct and she smiles widely. She hugs both Isabel and I, while the rest give me a sincere smile.
"Congratulations" The rest of them say with no enthusiasm and continue watching tv.
"I'll give my mom the news and then we can start decorating the baby's room!" Isabel squeals. I nod and she goes upstairs.
"What will you name my brother?" Bailey asked and I shrug.
"Not sure yet, now who wants to go the store to buy decorations for the room?" I ask and they all ignore me besides Bailey.
"Okay I promised Blake I won't get you guys in trouble but you all are going over board! Stop ignoring me and answer with a simply yes or no! This is my problem and just because you hate Isabel doesn't mean you have to hate your brother! Please" they all look at me.
"We never said we hated our 'brother'. We just don't care what you two do, we don't care about anything that involves with Isabel. Once your kid is born then we'll support you but right now we won't. So if that bothers you then don't talk to us, simple" Aaliyah said.
"Why do you guys hate her?" I ask and they all give me a "are you serious" look
"She's a bitch, skank, annoying, cunt, gold digger, hates us, hates Blake, hates everyone but you and money, also we don't just hate her" all the kids say.
"So you're saying you hate me?"
"We don't hate you, you're our dad. We just don't know how to explain this feeling towards you. You say you love Blake but you cheated on her, you know her and Isabel hate each other, you fucked Isabel and got her pregnant, and you had the audacity to hide it from Blake for almost a month. Not only did you hurt the one you supposedly love but you also hurt us in the process. What you did is something unforgettable and unforgivable"
"I'm hungry!" I tell Grayson.
"Blake it's 1 in the morning, go to fucking sleep you fucktard" Grayson groans and throws me a pillow, hitting me in the face.
"Can we go to McDonald's or something!?" I ask and go on his bed and started jumping on it.
"Blake you're so annoying!" He grabs my ankle making me fall on him.
"Oww you bitch!" I whine. I realized that our faces were inches away. I gulp and we stare at each other. His eyes flicker to my lips and then back at my eyes. He puts his hand behind my head and pulls me in for a kiss. I was caught off guard but soon kissed back and and he flips me over making him hover over me, still not breaking the kiss. He deepened the kiss and slid his tongue in my mouth.
I try to pull away and he pulls me right back in. He now pulls away and we're both breathing hard. I sit up and he gets off me. Why did I do that?
"I'm sorry" we both said at the same time.
"No Blake I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" He says and facepalms.
"No no it's my fault" I said and he disagreed
"But on the other note you're an amazing kisser" he smiles
"I hate you" I get off his bed but he pulls me right back
"I hate you too" He says
"Yeah but I hate you more"
"False, because I hate you way way more"
"You're the worst and ugliest person I've ever met" I joke and he laughs
"Woah that's weird because I was thinking that same thing about you" he smirks
"Whatever, can he go to McDonald's now" I ask and he nods getting off his bed and puts on a hoodie and some shoes.
We're parked in the parking lot and start eating our food.
"You know you aren't a bad kisser either" I blurted and he laughs and eats a fry.
"Too bad you're ugly and old" I joke
"Fuck you"
"No thanks I don't fuck old guys" He flips me off and I laugh. But that's a complete lie because I fucked Ethan and I regret that day so much and feel so guilty about it.
"You know the first day we met I actually thought she's beautiful but then I noticed you and my brother had something going on so I backed away. I actually liked you but clearly you liked my brother so I had to push my feelings away" he confessed.
"But I don't think I want someone, especially not you" He said, I gasp and he realized what he said.
"Not in a bad way! It's just that my brother always does this and if I get with you I'll do the same thing he did to me and I would never want to hurt him"
"What did he do?" I ask and he sighs and takes a long pause before answering.
"Aaliyah was my girlfriend first" my eyes widen
"What happened?"
"We were together since the age of 13, we dated for 4 years strong and one day we went to a high school party and she got drunk. So did Ethan, long story short they fucked and that's why she became pregnant with Aaliyah and Xavier" my eyes and mouth are wide open, it's a miracle my eyes haven't popped out. I'm so shocked.
"Is that why you never forgave him?" I ask
"Yeah, it's hard to. You know?" he sighs
"Here's something you need to know about Ethan, once he takes a sip of alcohol it's no longer him. Doesn't matter who you are, he will hurt anyone in the process and won't give a shit until the next day"
The ones that came up with blayson & blathan... Ily lmfao.
Have an amazing day, on whichever day you're reading this.

the nanny {d.t}
Fanfiction"If I'm just the nanny then you wouldn't care if I quit, or would you, Mr. Dolan?" {completed} highest rankings: #23 in fanfiction #1 in dolan twins & ethan dolan