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"You are not going to believe what I just found out!?" I excitedly tell my mom.


"Blake isn't your daughter!"

"Then who is?" She asked.

"Now that I don't know. But thank god she's not! Oh my gosh!" I go on her bed and smile widely.

if Blake isn't her daughter... then we can lie to her and make her believe she is and later on tell her it's all a lie and see her suffer the way always should.

"Mom! I just thought of something amazing!" I say and she tells me to continue.

"We make Blake believe you actually are her mom. You tell her some dumb shit that'll be believable. Cry. Just do whatever you can to make her believe you" i say and she shakes her head

"No. I'm not doing that Isabel. Blake is a very sweet girl and deserves better"

"Don't forget mom. You're in my house now. I'll kick you out whenever I want. You'll be living in the streets because I'm the only family you have. And you wouldn't like that, would you?" She looks down and nods.

"That's what I thought. Now be ready with what you're going to tell that whore" I get out her room and go downstairs to Ethan's office.

"Hey babe I'm going somewhere for a few. So take care of mason" I say

"Where?" He asked and looks up from his laptop.


"Wow. sounds like an amazing place, never heard of it" he jokes

"and you're not going, Mason has a doctor appointment, so go get him ready" fucking shit.


After thinking and thinking a lot with Jennifer we come to conclusion. That we're fucking stupid and need to stop thinking about this whole Carolina situation.

Recently all the older kids have been distant. Especially Cameron and Bailey. I understand why Cameron has been but not Bailey.

Not in a bad way, though. She's just smiling all the time and is on her phone non-stop. I think she has a boyfriend.

"May I come in?" I lightly knock on her door even though it was open. She nods and I come in. Her and Sky share a room she gets frustrated at times. And the rest of her siblings make fun of her.

"I was wondering... do you have a boyfriend?" I ask and she starts blushing and looks at anything besides me.

"Y-Yes. But don't tell my dad!" She quickly said. I giggle and nod.

"So, what's his name?"

"Oliver" She replies and smiles widely. Wow she must really like the kid.

"Well I'm glad you're happy. Also, nice try but I'm still telling your dad" she groans

"When did you guys start dating?" I asked

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