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"Yo Blake, we haven't had a best friend day!" Jennifer complained

"Okay, what do you wanna do?" I ask

"I don't know, go fuck some guys?"

"Pass" I said and she laughs

Jennifer came over the Dolans place because I couldn't leave the house until the kids came home, actually I can but I didn't feel like it. Plus Ethan never made a rule if I'm allowed to have visitors or not.

"Well I'm off Sunday, so we can go to the movies or something" I suggest

"Okay yeah! You better not back out bitch!"

"I won't, now you should probably go because I don't even know if I'm allowed to have visitors" we walk to the front door and I was about to open it but it was opened by Ethan. Jennifer's mouth and eyes are wide open looking at Ethan as if he were some snack, which he is but she can at least act chill about it. I slap the back of her head and she glares at me and then realized what she was doing.

"Hi" Ethan said breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry she was just leaving" I say

"No it's fine Blake, I'm Ethan Dolan by the way" he shakes Jennifer's hand and I know for a fact she's screaming in the inside

"Jennifer Mahone" Ethan gives her a friendly smile and then looks at me

"Okay I'll see you Sunday then, bye" Ethan opens the other half of the door and Jennifer leaves. He shuts both doors and I go to kitchen. Minutes later he comes in and takes a seat in front of me.

"I'm sorry for having a visitor and not asking you first" I say breaking the silence

"Like I said a couple minutes ago, its fine. You live here now so you can have all the visitors you want. You know ones that wouldn't be a bad influence to my children"

"Good thing you said that because I was about to ask my friends that are drug dealers to come over" I joke

"Nothing humorous about drug dealers, Diamond" He sternly said

"I do because it was a joke, idiot " I say and mumble the last part.

"I'm not an idiot, for your information I'm a genius" how does he always hear me when I can barely even hear myself.

"Wait why are here?" I asked

"Because it's my home"

"No shit Sherlock. I mean why this early?"

"I had no work anymore, so might as well come home"


"Your friend is pretty hot to be honest" he said

"Yeah, she also was drooling over you" I laugh and he laughs as well

"I mean I'm pretty hot so I understand why" He smirks

"Don't be cocky" we start hearing yelling from the living room and we both laugh knowing it's those hooligans

"The delinquents are back from school, get your headache pills ready" he said and we laughed once again. The yelling stopped and we started hearing their footsteps coming close to the kitchen door. They all burst in yelling. Until they realized we were here and they stop

"What's with all the yelling?" Ethan asked.

"Why are you here?" They all ask him

"What I can't even come to my own house anymore?" They all go hug him. I quickly take a picture without any of them knowing and put my phone back down.

"Kids what would you like to eat?" Martha asked coming in kitchen with Bruno.

"Oh Mr.Dolan we didn't know you were here already" Bruno said

"Yeah I decided to come early today" Ethan said

"In that case how about I make your favorite food?" Martha asked him and Ethan nods

"Yeah, thank you" he said. Martha starts gathering all the ingredients to whatever Ethan's favorite food is.

"So what's your favorite food?" I question

"He loves pineapple pizza!" Alex answered.

"Holy shit that's one of my favorites too!" All the kids agree and I quickly cover my mouth realizing I just cussed in front of the them. Ethan scowls at me.

"Sorry" i mouth.

"Blake I'll like to talk to you alone" He demands. I truly fucked up. The kids look at us confused on why their fathers attitude suddenly changed. They just didn't realize I say that since that's all their vocabulary and they got used to it. We both walk to his office and take a seat

"I hope that doesn't repeat Blake. I don't want my kids saying those words. Especially not the younger ones. Understand?"

"Yes. And sorry it just slipped out" I wasn't about to expose the kids. Especially not Chris and Alex who say profanities non-stop

"Well don't fucking do it again"

"What a hypocrite"

"Yeah but the kids aren't here, so I can say fucking if I fucking want to"

"Whatever, can I go now?"  I ask

"I don't know, can you?" He smirks. I hated when teachers said that. Like bitch fuck off and let me go to the bathroom.

"Fuck you"

"Time? Place? Date? And I'll be there" This bitch. I stand up and walk to the door. I slide it open but it shuts back.

"What?" I ask him while he had his hand on the handle of the door. He doesn't say anything and just looks at me. He comes more forward and I back up. It continues until my back hit the wall and he places one hand on the wall and the other on my hip. I met his gaze, then watched as his eyes slowly flickered from my eyes down to my lips, then back up again.

I heard him mumble something. He leaned closer and our foreheads were touching. I tried to calm my racing heart, but it was pointless. His head slowly tilted to the left and he leaned in forward, capturing me in a kiss. I instantly kissed back, his lips were so soft, the kiss was nothing but passionate and gentle. I felt him smile into the kiss. Something we both been waiting for, but it's wrong it's completely wrong, but felt right.

He gently pulled me closer and is now cupping my face with his hands. It was something I just can't explain. This right here felt like a fairytale but this is real life. Shit happens whether we want it to or not.

Those hoes took 20
fucking chapters
to kiss. Good job boobs.

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