"What!? Really!?" The twins asked and Sky nods"No, no it's just Sky th-" I try saying
"I would love that!" Bailey said and Cameron agrees with her
"No kids it's not w-"
"Same!" Aaliyah says and I get cut off once again
"It's not w-"
"Seriously get married already!" Xavier said and I cut off again. Ethan looks at me gives me a small smile.
"Someday in the future, kids" Ethan said
"Why? You both clearly like each other, just do it already!" Alex said.
"Guys its not that simple" I finally say
"How come?" Cameron asked
"How about we not talk about this again and go eat!" I said standing up and they all give me a 'sit down' look
"I'll make eggs and bacon, for Xavier. And pancakes for the rest of you" I said still ignoring the question
"Nope, we can wait for breakfast. Now answer the question" Chris says. I give Ethan a 'help' me look and he nods
"Blake is right it's not that simple. Also I'm starving so if you guys want to wait then go ahead but I don't!" Ethan said and stands up. He goes to the kitchen and I follow along.
"You're welcome for saving you" He said taking all the ingredients out.
"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't pinky promise Sky"
"Whatever Blake"
"And you call me the 'kid' yeah right" I scoffed
"That's because you are, also I like my bacon crispy"
"Cool, then make it" I said and he shakes his head smiling
"You're making it diamond"
"When was the last time you actually cooked for yourself?" I ask and he thinks about it
"About 13 years ago, I think" he replied
"Oh god, well today is your lucky day! You get to make food for 9"
"Can you at least help? I might burn the food"
"How do you guys actually feel about Blake and dad?" I ask
"Good actually" Xavier said
"Same, because I love Blake" Bailey added
"And you?" Cameron asked
"Part of me didn't want dad to fall in love again because I didn't want anyone replacing mom but when Blake came and she actually survived our 'pranks' and communicated with us I knew she would've stayed longer then all the other nannies we had. I know I messed up with her and tried to make her life miserable, the only reason I did it was to protect you kids because I didn't want you guys to get attached to a someone because I thought they would leave us too. It's just hard it's really hard"
"You little ones always saw me as the 'leader' or your 'boss' you guys never seen me breakdown over mom's passing. At least I tried not to do in front of you guys, it hurt me so so bad seeing you guys cry every night. Seeing Sky cry herself to sleep and not talk. I gave Blake a chance and I should've done that since day one, I got to know her and she's pretty cool. I haven't had advice from another person that wasn't mom in so long and Blake gave me some. What this whole rant is about is to just love the cow outta Blake and Dad because everyone deserves to be happy" I finally finish my rant. I look to the left and see my dad and Blake peeking out the door listening.
All the kids tackled me in a hug including Xavier. "We love you Aaliyah" they all say
"We love you too!" Blake and my dad shout running to us. They join the group hug. They all sit back down and my dad hugs me
"I'm so sorry Aaliyah, for not being there for you nor your siblings. I promise that won't ever happen again"
"Don't be sorry Dad, lets just live in the moment and not worry about the past nor future"
"Okay goodnight kids" Ethan says
"Goodnight!" They all said
"You two are sleeping together?" Sky asked as the three of us are walking to the main room.
"No, with you too" I said and she smiles at Ethan.
I don't know why he insisted on sharing a bed, I need a ton of space so they both better be prepared to have my legs all on them. We all brushed our teeth and I put my hair in a weird bun. I changed into sweatpants and a huge t-shirt.
I lay on the right and Ethan on the left with Sky in between. I face Sky and and drift to sleep.
"She's asleep already" Sky whispered
"That coward" I whisper back and she giggles quietly.
"Dad can we which spots?"
"Blake keeps squeezing me" I laugh quietly and switch spots with her.
"Actually I'm going to go with Chris and Alex because you two snore a lot" She runs out the room and goes with the kids.
I look at Blake who's facing me and I push her hair out of her face to see her better. She's so beautiful. She moves closer to me and our faces are inches away. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. These 4 months with Blake being here have been extremely amazing. She's the most generous person, at times is a fucking jerk but everyone has their flaws.
But that's what I like about her, that she's not afraid to be herself even around me. I'm her boss but she doesn't see me that way, she's not afraid to joke around with me or keep her rude comments to herself
What I always wonder is what she's doing or goes during midnight. Every single day we come home at the same time which is 2 am. But where does she go? Once my kids are in bed she can do or go whatever she wants , but that late?
While I was in my own little thinking bubble, Blake suddenly wraps her arms around me and placed her leg right on my area. Fuck.
I try to remove her leg but it was no use. Whatever. I wrap my arms around her and bring her closer. Her face on the crook of my neck and my head rested on hers.

the nanny {d.t}
Fanfiction"If I'm just the nanny then you wouldn't care if I quit, or would you, Mr. Dolan?" {completed} highest rankings: #23 in fanfiction #1 in dolan twins & ethan dolan