I open my eyes and holy freaking coconuts. I'm on Ethan. How the hell did I get on him? I tried to get off but he was holding on to me so tight.I poked his cheek multiple times. It didn't work.
"Ethan!" I whispered-yelled. I slap his cheek and he finally woke up.
"What the hell" He groans opening his eyes.
"I didn't mean to hit you that hard. And you wouldn't wake up" I say in defense. He closed his eyes again and held me tighter if that was even possible
"Ethan! Let go!"
"Let go you fucking bitch!"
"You stupid dick"
"Shut up"
"Dude let go! I need to see if the kids are awake! Wait where's Sky?"
"She left because you kept squeezing her" I laugh and he opens his eyes again.
"Can you let go?" I ask.
"Mmh" he does a thinking face "no" he said. I roll my eyes and I pull his ear.
"Owwww! Okay fine! I'll let go!" I let go of his ear and he lets go of me.
"Fucking dick" I mumble and he laughs.
"A very fucking big one too" he winks
I brush my teeth and go check on the kids. They were all asleep except Alex.
"Hey Blake!" He says very loudly
"Hi Alex. Let's go downstairs and wait for everyone to wake up" he nods and we go downstairs.
"Did you brush your teeth?" I ask and he nodded
"Do you have boyfriend?" He asked while we're on the sofa.
"No.... why do you ask that?"
"Just wondering" He smiles. I give him a weird look and he smirks. It was quiet for a couple seconds until I started hearing yelling upstairs. We both look at each other and he shrugs
"Probably Bailey and Cameron they kept fighting all night" he says
"Cameron told Bailey's crush that she liked him and said embarrassing things about her and she started wrestling with him last night. No biggie" I run upstairs and I see Bailey on top of Cameron slapping him.
"Bailey!" I yell but she ignores me, the rest of the kids are just chanting. The girls cheering for Bailey and the boys for Cameron
"Bailey get off me!" Cameron yells. I try pulling her off but it was no use. And now Cameron is on top of her, he was about to punch her but that's when he's pulled away.
"DOWNSTAIRS ! NOW!" Ethan yells making them flinch. All the kids run downstairs. We both walk downstairs and he glares at each one of them
"She started it!" "He started it!" Both Bailey and Cameron shout at the same time once Ethan was about to speak
"I don't give a damn who started!" He yells.
"Are you serious Aaliyah and Xavier!?" He yelled they both look away.
"Instead of chanting and cheering to see who wins you both could've stopped them! I swear to god if this ever happens ag-"
"He told my crush embarrassing things about me!" Bailey yells cutting him off and Ethan turns his attention to her looking even more furious than he already was. God damn he looks hot as fuck. Shut up Blake.
"You know damn well to not interrupt me when I speak Bailey!" She mouths a sorry
"Cameron and Bailey apologize to each other!" He says and they both roll their eyes and cross their arms over their chest.
"Now!" He snaps. They face each other and apologize
"The rest of you except Bailey and Cameron go upstairs" we all nod and start walking upstairs
"Not you Blake" Well you should me specific Mr. Dolan. I sit back down
"Bailey you're too young to even have a boyfriend, and Cameron you shouldn't do that to your sister" He says a little more calmer
"Oh yeah when did you start dating?" Bailey shot back. I give Ethan a look of 'don't exaggerate' and he nods
"When I was 13 but that's not the point right now, Bailey"
"Cameron you were about to hit your sister, if I didn't walk in and stop you, you would've done it"
"Well I was defending myself! I can't just let her hit me!" He shouts
"Don't raise your voice with me!" Ethan says louder.
"Bailey, Cameron is only a year younger. He's a boy and has more strength than you. If he hits you it'll hurt you. Just because you're a girl doesn't mean you have
the right to hurt him either. If you hit him with all your strength and you started it I won't interfere next time""Technically girls are stronger, but continue" I butt in.
"So you're taking his side now!?" Bailey angrily said.
"Out of all that I said that's what you ask? To answer your question no, I'm not taking his side. I'm just saying to be more careful because one day your brother will fight you back. So this better not repeat again, am I clear?"
"Yes" they both replied
"Good, now go get ready and tell your other siblings the same thing and that I know they were eavesdropping" the three of them laugh and the kids go upstairs leaving only me and Ethan alone.
"What a fantastic morning" He sarcastically said
"Very" I add and he laughs shaking his head
"You seriously have a sleeping problem" he says following me in the kitchen
"I told you I did, but you insisted with sleeping in the same bed. By the way I'm sleeping with the kids the next two days"
"What? Why"
"Because I said"
"Real mature Blake"
"I know, thanks"

the nanny {d.t}
Fanfiction"If I'm just the nanny then you wouldn't care if I quit, or would you, Mr. Dolan?" {completed} highest rankings: #23 in fanfiction #1 in dolan twins & ethan dolan