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Once the party was over we were all sitting on the couch. While the kids and Sean were already asleep. I'm so tired, holy cow. It was around 2 am.

"So tell me why you're getting a divorce already?" Cameron asked Ethan. They were all extremely drunk. Besides me.

"She hurt Cameron and I couldn't permit her to continue hurting my kids" Ethan responded. Cameron's face was soft and within seconds turned into anger.

"That stupid bitch hurt Cam!? Oh fuck no, what's her address?" She asked him and Liam starts laughing.

"Calm down" Liam tells her

"Calm down? Bitch fuck you too! Now tell me Ethan! I'm going over there right now!" She stood up and demands Ethan to tell her, Isabel's address.

"Don't worry, Blake beat the fuck outta her that day" Grayson says and Cameron applauds and high fives me.

"Okay I feel better now" She takes a deep breath and sits back down.

"Are you guys officially hiring Rivera?" Cameron asked Ethan.


"Ethan you're honestly the dumbest person I've ever met" she said and Ethan scoffs. Shit is about to go down.

"One you marry Isabel, which you knew everyone hated her. Two, act like a fucktard. Three, let go of Blake. Who is the most amazing woman you could ever be with. Four, not even knowing who the fuck is Rivera and bringing him into our business. Which may i add it's technically mine" Ethan clenched his jaw and glares at her. He put his beer down.

"First of all, you were the one that told me to marry Isabel, along with dad. Neither of you gave me the advice I should've gotten. Second, it's not your business what went down with Blake and I. Third, it was your business, but now I have my own. Which may i add, I can hire who I want and when I want" How the fuck did they start arguing? And this is why I don't drink.

"Okay and? I then called you and gave you advice. And what did you say? You told me it doesn't matter anymore! You are so fucking stubborn, that I bet you can't deal with yourself at times!" She yells. I'm so uncomfortable right now. I look at Grayson and he looks back and shrugs clearly not understanding what's going on, because of how drunk he is.

"Listen Cameron, I didn't do all this for your daughter just so you can come and say shit about my life. Whatever happens. Happens. You are no one to tell me how my life should be. After the incident between Gray and I, you pushed me away! And I don't understand why!" He angrily tells her. Grayson looks up at him and clenched his jaw.

"Don't bring that shit up" Grayson snaps.

"Don't bring it up!? That's all you think about! You never let it go! And you probably never will" Ethan spat.

"I never pushed you away Ethan" Cameron softly said. He looks at her, letting out a chuckle; shaking his head.

"I don't care anymore. You always believed in Grayson's side of the story. Not once did you doubt it, not once did you come ask me how I was doing. Not once did you ask what my side of the story was. But, it doesn't matter anymore" he gets up from the couch; grabbing his beer, and goes in his office. Slamming the door shut.

"Better than drama movies, am I right?" Liam says trying to lighten up the mood. They all ignore him.

"I should go check on him" Cameron says but Liam tells her to sit back down.

"I think Blake is the only one that should at the moment" to be honest, I was terrified of going in. He'll for sure snap.

"N-No he just needs alone time"

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