These 5 days seemed like 5 years. I so anxious for the results to come. Today I find out if Carolina is my mother.I haven't told anyone about this. Except Jennifer. I don't even think Isabel knows. Just imagine. Imagine if those results come back positive and Isabel is my half sister.
The only person I dislike and she could possibly be my half sister. Everything would change.
"Open It you're so slow!" Jennifer says. I roll my eyes and open the results. We both exchanged looks and gasp.
Carolina Justice is my mother.
"OH MY GOD!" Jennifer screams and gets off my bed. She's my mother. My mother. I finally have her back.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" She continues to scream. I sit there staring at the results. She really is my mother.
"SHOOK!" She yet again screamed and takes deep breaths.
"Isabel is your sister" she mumbled. The only bad thing about this.
We both get out my room and go to Carolina's. She opened the door and I immediately hug her and cry.
"You really are my mom" After all these years I finally have my mom in my arms again.
I pull away and hand her the paper with the results. She reads it and her eyes widen.
"She really is" she said more to herself. She looks at me and begins to cry and hugs me even tighter.
"My baby!" She cried.
"My beautiful girl!" She cups my face with her hands and smiles.
"Woah. What's going on here?" Isabel asked.
"She really is my daughter" Carolina tells her and Isabel laughs.
"Mom remember it was all fake"
"No. She really is!" Carolina repeated and at that moment Isabel faints. Oh my gosh.
"I don't know whether to laugh or help her" Jennifer said but ends up laughing her ass off.
"Ethan!" Jennifer shouts and continues to laugh. Within seconds Ethan walks in and looks at Isabel on the ground and then looks at us.
"Why is she dead? And why are you guys crying?" He asked and picks up Isabel and placed her on Carolina's bed.
"And why is Jennifer laughing?" He adds
"Oh come on we all know you want to laugh too" Jennifer tells him. Then all the kids walk in and ask the same questions Ethan asked. Except all the kids actually laughed and Chris and Alex began to draw a mustache on Isabel with a marker.
"So is anyone going to explain?" Cameron asked. Sky tugs on my uniform and I pick her up placing her on my hip.
"She's your mommy isn't she?" Sky asked and cleans my tears. I nod and everyone else gasped loudly.
"Holy fuck" Chris said and Ethan glares at him.
"I meant truck" he corrects himself.
"So that means Isabel is your sister?" They ask. Carolina nods
"half sister" Jennifer said

the nanny {d.t}
Fanfiction"If I'm just the nanny then you wouldn't care if I quit, or would you, Mr. Dolan?" {completed} highest rankings: #23 in fanfiction #1 in dolan twins & ethan dolan