chapter 1: I will get my revenge

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I sighed as I stared out of the window of my mansion, things aren't so great being rich, my parents barely had any time for me. But being an only child I got anything I wanted, but that's not what I want. I don't have what I need, I need my parents. I can never tell them this though, it's not like they will pay attention anyways.

I got up from the window sill and made my way out to the dining hall "mistress?" my maid, Tsubaki called to me  "yes?" I replied in my usual monotone voice "what are you doing, milady?" she asked. I sighed once again "nothing, I'm just  bored" I replied taking a seat on one of the large, decorated chairs.

Tsubaki chuckled and sat down with me, she is like a best friend to me, I don't know what I would do without her, "milady? may I suggest playing with Kimmy, she may just be another maid but she is your age, your father did hire her to play with you" I glanced to her in a contemplative manner.

I had almost forgotten about Kimmy, with a nod, I rose from my seat. I had an idea about where I might find said girl.

I saw her familiar pink hair as I neared the door to the balcony, she was daydreaming. I pushed  open the door, she still hadn't noticed me. I decided to eavesdrop on her conversation with herself "do you think (Y/N) would hate me if she found out about Lady Shizuka?" Kimmy wondered to herself, I rose a brow 'Shizuka? who is that?' I thought to myself.

I continued  listening "after all lady Shizuka is going to-- Miss (Y/N)!?" Kimmy exclaimed, whipping around to face me "how long have you been there?" she questioned.

"I just got here" I lied "it's been a while since we played together, I thought maybe we know play?" I said as more of a question, Kimmy's face immediately lit up and she grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the garden and onto the bridge,  I let out a  giggle for the first time in a while.

It was only Kimmy and Tsubaki who could bring a smile to my face "(Y/N)? would you hate me after what happens?" Kimmy asked, I looked at her confused. I gulped in slight fear at the blank expression she was holding "what are you talking about?" I asked "it's almost time, after sunset she will come" Kimmy continued.

I staggered back slightly, and tumbling down the stairs on the bridge. Landing on my behind with and 'oof' I stood shakily with a groan. Kimmy seemed to snap out of her trance "oh, (Y/N) are you Okay? You're so clumsy" she giggled as though nothing ever happened.

I rose a brow when Tsubaki called Kimmy in to help with dinner "see you later (Y/N)...but you won't be quite yourself then" Kimmy muttered the last part but I could hear her as clear as day.

~Timeskip to after sunset~

I peered out of the window of my bedroom, seeing that it was already past sunset "so, what was Kimmy  talking about?" as soon the utter left my lips, and ear piercing scream hits my ears.  "Mother?" I whimpered, grabbing my robe I ran downstairs.

"MOTHER?!" I cried out "(y/-)...(Y/N) you m-must ge-t o-o-ut of h-here" came a sputtering voice from behind me, weak and raspy. Slowly, and with horror filled eyes, I turned around.

And there she was.

Tsubaki on the floor, blood staining her flesh and clothes "T-tsubaki?" I whimpered, tears pricking at my eyes "I-it's not s-safe...GO!" she screamed at me, I ran towards the front door but a figure blocked my way.

"Kimmy?" I asked, said female stared into my eyes, a taller figure stood next to her. Hesitantly I rose my head, looking up and I saw a rather beautiful woman wearing a Yukata. What caught my eye were the two bodies that she had just thrown to the ground "m-mum? d-dad?" I choked down a sob.

"Kimmy! get away from her! She'll kill you!" I screamed at her "no (Y/N), I was the one who lead her to you, she's my real mistress" Kimmy said with that distant look in her eyes just like in the garden earlier today. "What? you- how could you?!"I yelled at her, she flinched slightly.

"I knew you would hate me" Kimmy sighed "what do you want from me?" my voice shook as I questioned the woman, "I, am Shizuka Hio, I feel something with you, join me. But not like this, you will become one of us" Shizuka said as her eyes flashed red "v-vampire?" I squeaked out. Shizuka chuckled "smart girl" she lunged at me with a sudden hiss.

Before I could push her off - she sunk her fangs into my neck, I let out a howl of pain "s-stop...p-please" I sobbed, no longer having the strength to push her off. Shizuka pulled away slowly and biting into her wrist "drink" she demanded "no" I said still weak, she narrowed her eyes slightly and sucked the blood from her wrist and holding it in her mouth.

The female gripped my jaw and pried my lips open, pushing her lips onto mine, the blood she held in her mouth slowly began to trail down my throat "mph-mm!" I tried to scream but it came out muffled.

Reluctantly I began to swallow her blood. She pulled away with a sinister grin "good girl" Shizuka's head snapped towards the door "vampire hunters" I heard her mutter under her breath "Kimmy, let's go, I will come for you in due time (Y/N). Wait for me then" Shizuka uttered as she and Kimmy suddenly vanished.

I stood up shakily and made my way to the door, using some effort I pushed the doors open and took one last look at my home, my parents, and my best friend. With a pained grunt I turned my back to the mansion, and walked out, into the night. Leaving everything behind 'but I promise I will make her pay, I will get revenge!'


I'm...not a monster? (vampire knight x reader) *UNDER EDIT*Where stories live. Discover now