chapter 24: One much more to go...

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I buttoned up my white uniform and sighed 'it's so different being in the night class' i thought t myself, stepping out of my large room and closing the door behind me i walked down the halls illumiated my the setting sun and walked down the stairs towards the front door and stood idly behind the other's "ready?" Kaname asked i simply nodded and prepared to be bomarded with fangirls. The gates opened and i saw Yuki staring at me in longing, Zero nowhere in sight the day class girls gasped as they saw i was with the night class and they started whispering "is that (Y/N)?" and "she's with the night class now?" i rolled my eyes at their comments and smiled as i saw anothe familiar face "class prez!" i called walking over to the guy "(Y-Y/N)?" he asked "you look great" he said fixing his glasses "thank you, so do you i see you got different spectacles on now" i commented leaning closer to get a good look at them "(Y/N)! Don't fall behind!" Ruka called "coming" i replied "bye" i smiled and winked and watched as he melted to the ground with a crimson blush, i felt bad teasing him like that but i needed something to cheer me up.

I stared out of the window as the teacher taught about how to make more blood tablets and more things i didn't care about. With a sigh i stared at the moon in the sky so far yet it's still pretty far, i groaned and slammed my head down on the table interrupting the teacher but befre she could say anything Kaname put his hand up signalling her to stay put and keep her mouth shut then walked over to me "are you ok?" he asked "fine just...getting used to things" i replied "Lady (Y/N), did you hurt yourself?" Aido asked i cocked my brow in confusion "what's all this Lady stuff?" i asked "you're a pureblood, naturally a higher class than i am, i must call you Lady (Y/N) out of respect" he explained, i laughed "you have to do no such thing, just because my memories awakened doesn't make me any different i'm still me, so please drop the Lady business?" i asked "of course...(Y/N)" he smiled and walked off " going to take some getting used to" i muttered causing Kaname to chuckle "you will eventually" he assured "whatever you say" i mumbled under my breath and allowed Kaname and the teacher to get back to school.


The sun was just about to rise as school just finished, the times are ging to take some getting used too but i'm just going to have to be nocturnal. I giggled at my own inside joke and started strolling towards the night class dorms but i glanced off to the right in the direction the barn was. I face-palmed and muttered "i can't believe i'm actually going to do this" and jogged towards the barn. I opened it hesitantly seeing Lily was asleep and what a surprie there was Zero also asleep, i stepped inside and kneeled beside him with a tender smile althouhg having an internal battle with myself over the fact that i could never stay mad at him. I lifted my hand up and brushed some of his silver locks from his face and was about to pull back when he grabbed my wrist with a strong grip and opened his eyes just to glare at me "whaat are you doing here?" he spat with venom "you weren't doing your disciplinary committee duties so i thought i might as well check on you and Lily" i answered somewhat truthfully. Zero pushed my wrist away rather harshly and sat up "leave" he ordered, i narrowed my eyes and sat crossed legged making sure i was seated firmly on the ground and crossed my arm over my chest before stating in a dead pan type voice "no".

Zero growled "leave before your pretty face isn't so pretty anymore" he warned "2 things, 1) i am touched you think i'm pretty, and 2) i know for a fact you can't hurt me even if you wanted so desperately too" i smriked as he got more angry "liste-" "no you listen" i cut him off getting back on my nees and crawling over to him "i have done so many things for you and i have cried so many tears for you but i never turned my back on you, why can't you return the favour?" i asked with pleading eyes. His eyes softened before turning to the ground "what am i supposed to say let alone do? The girl i love is sister's with the girl that killed my family and turned me into a vampire, let's not forget she turned my brother against me!" he asked, i placed my hand gently on his cheek he flinched at the sudden contact but didn't protest "Zero...i am (Y/N) (L/N) not (Y/N) Hio okay? It will stay that way, and i know that you know that. You never said you stopped loving me and thank god...i don't want to lose you too please Zero" i pleaded looking into his eyes.

Zero sucked in his breath "that's all i wanted to hear" he muttered and then crashed his lips into mine, my hand worked it's way into his soft hair and his arms wrapped around my wait to pull me closer. My other arm wrapped around his neck and played with the short strands of hair on the section where his head joins his neck. He shivered at the ticklish feeling our eyes shut as we enjoyed the moment until we parted, i rested my forehead on his "do you forgive me?" he asked "when can i ever stay mad at you?" i asked giving him and chaste peck on the lips "good point" he chuckled. Well that's one problem solved much more to go but, at least i hacve him back. Let's just hope nothing bad what about Kaname? or Takuma? Shiki not to mention Aido...Damn...i'm going to have alot of work ahead of me.

I'm...not a monster? (vampire knight x reader) *UNDER EDIT*Where stories live. Discover now