II. Time To Know The Prey

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II. Time To Know The Prey

My body wanted to stay.

My eyes wanted to see.

But my mind told me that it wasn't the right time. Yet.

Forcefully, I peeled my eyes from what I was seeing. Because there he was—Nathaniel Pierce Ramirez—in flesh... and laughing with his friends as if nothing happened.

As if someone didn't just kill herself because of him.

My breathing was labored when I finally reached outside. Mabilis akong naghanap ng makakapitan bago ako nagsimulang tumawag kay David. I didn't even know what time it was in New York, but I knew that I needed his help.

Here, I was helpless.

But not even being helpless could stop me from unearthing what truly happened with Molly.

"You said you'll text me—" he said, but I immediately cut him off.

"I saw him, David..." I whispered... as if I feared that he'd hear me.

"Who?" he asked.

"Nathaniel," I whispered, his name sounding bitter against my tongue.

"Holy fuck. Really?" he asked, masking a gasp.

I nodded before continuing. "I went to Molly's secret unit to get her diary—"

"Jesus, Mall! You said you'll only attend her funeral, not play Sherlock Holmes!" sigaw niya. "You know it's dangerous! If he managed to get out unscathed, what makes you think that you'll remain safe if he learns that—"

I cut him off. "I know," I said. "But you didn't see him laugh... like nothing happened." My chest throbbed. Painfully. "Like Molly didn't kill herself because of what he did."

Silence enveloped us.

No one spoke.

He knew it was unfair; I knew it, too. But really, what could we do against the players who seemed to have everyone behind them? That not even law can touch them?

"I'm sorry, Mall," he offered. "I'm really sorry... but she's dead. And you're alive. Don't get yourself killed."

I felt something rolling down my face. Mabilis kong pinunasan iyong luha. Hindi 'to panahon para maging mahina. I just met the enemy... and I knew that if I wanted to beat him at his own game, I needed to know how to play.

And damn, I didn't even know how to get near him.

Not with all the fucking securities surrounding his every move.

"I need help," I said.


"David, please. I need you," I pleaded before I got the answer that I needed.

* * *

An hour later, a meeting was set up between me and a certain Pamela Hernandez. Tahimik akong naghintay hanggang sa dumating siya. Pinilit ko si David na bigyan ako ng contact number, pero sabi niya, malalaman ko kapag dumating na si Pamela sa harap ko.


I looked up.

"Pamela?" I asked, to which she replied with a wink. She immediately pulled the chair, and took a seat. She also waived her hand to signal the waitress.

"Did you order already? I'm sorry, gutom na talaga ako," sunud-sunod niyang sabi. "I'll take one truffle pasta and a tall glass of lemon water. Ikaw? Kakain ka rin ba?"

No One Will Know (PUBLISHED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon