Epilogue I

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This Is How It Ends

Everyone would pay.

No one would get away.

"Do you have an appointment?" the secretary asked me as I stood in front of her. I looked around, immensely dismayed at how the justice works... Or was justice really just a social construct? Something that was made for us to feel safer—even if it was just a false sense of security?

I nodded. "Yes," I said. "Mallary Esquivel," I continued. I made sure to use my real last name. I knew that if I used another, he'd never agree to see me. But I need to see him. I need to talk to him.

Before I do anything, I needed to give him a chance. Because I knew that once I start, there's no going back.

At least not for Blake.

The secretary's lips parted as she heard my name. "O-okay... I'll assist you to his chamber," she said as she guided me. Tahimik lang akong naglalakad hanggang sa makarating kami doon. Napa-titig ako sa naka-sulat sa pintuan niya.

Honorable Oscar Valderrama

Presiding Judge


"He's inside, Ma'am," she said, and I thanked her. Ilang segundo akong nanatiling nakatayo sa labas ng pintuan niya, patuloy na humihinga nang malalaim habang naghahanap ng lakas ng loob.

Bakit ba ako nandito?

Kasi walang pag-asa iyong anak niya. I tried... I tried to talk to Blake but he's beyond saving! He believed that no one could touch him because of his father! And maybe he was right... but up to what extent?

Hanggang saan lang ba siya kayang protektahan?

"Mallary Esquivel."

His mere voice was enough to send shivers up to my spine. Halos hindi ako maka-hinga nang makita ko siya. The real devil in flesh. I was finally face to face with him.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked as I stood frozen in front of him. My eyes roamed around. I could see piles of folders... isa ba doon ang kaso ng pamilya ni Nathan? Iyong dahilan kung bakit hindi niya magawang magsumbong? Dahil sa takot na baka sila na ang susunod?

Justice... a work of imagination.

Something to make you sleep better at night.

"I know you know who I am."

He plopped his hands on top of the table, and stared at me as if he was studying my every move. I didn't know what was with him that scared me like this? Was it because he's really the one behind everything? The person who's the reason why Blake's unstoppable?

"Of course," he replied. "Who do you think helped your father bury everything about you and your brother?"

Halos manginig ang buong pagkatao ko nang marinig ko iyon.

"For a fifteen year old, you're quite violent, Mallary. Have you seen your Dad? The last time I heard, he's looking for you," he said. "He needs you now that Molly's dead."

How fucking dare him say Molly's name?!

"Blake killed Molly," I said through gritted teeth and controlled anger. I couldn't lose myself right now. Siguro nga tanga ako dahil umaasa ako na pwede ko siyang makausap... but I needed to gamble!

He laid his back against his chair. "As far as I am concerned, Molly overdosed. And Blake was with me when that happened."

Ikinuyom ko ang mga kamay ko. "You know what I mean."

No One Will Know (PUBLISHED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon