VII. A Good Challenge

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VII. A Good Challenge

"Ary, this is Harvey, Thomas," he said, motioning at the two guys who were laughing. I calmed myself so hard. Sila 'yung dalawang lalaki na narinig kong nag-uusap sa bar tungkol kay Molly.

My hand was slightly trembling with rage when I took their hands, but they probably didn't notice because they were busy looking at me as if I was a prey waiting to be pounced on.

"So... you're the reason why Pierce is always busy," Thomas said as he shook my hand. I felt him pressed my hand.

"You mean his cases," I said in a light tone. How it took my everything to be able to hold my shit together. "Nice to finally meet Pierce's friends," I continued, looking at both Thomas and Harvey.

I glanced at Nathan, then I realized that he was turning pale. He's so fucking guilty, he couldn't even hide it anymore. Nang mukhang mapansin din nila Harvey iyong pagbabago sa kulay ng kaibigan nila, bigla silang nagsalita.

"Ary," Thomas said. I almost shivered when he said my name. "This grumpy one's Andres," he continued, and motioned at the moreno guy who looked like he's about to snap someone's neck any second now.

I threw him a small smile, but I was ignored. Great.

"Don't worry, he's always mad at something," Thomas whispered in my ears. He's too fucking close! I felt the hair on my nape stood on their freaking ends! I looked at Nathan, but I just saw him looking away, with his jaw clenched.

Ganito ba?

Wala siyang magawa basta sa kaibigan niya?

"And that one," Thomas continued despite me trying to subtly put distance between us. Couldn't he tell that I wasn't comfortable with him touching me like he freaking owned me?

Thomas motioned at him. The guy I accidentally bumped into.

"Friendly advice, just ignore him," Thomas whispered. "But he's Blake, for the sake of knowing him."

Thomas and Harvey seemed like easy targets. I knew their type—they'd probably hit on me behind Nathan's back. And Nathan, being the spineless and ball-less asshole that he was, would pretend that nothing's happening.

But that Andres and Blake? Hindi ko pa alam kung paano ako makaka-lapit sa kanilang dalawa. I needed more intel.

Thankfully, may dumaan na kakilala si Thomas at Harvey kaya nilubayan niya na ako. I looked at Nathan who was then talking to Andres. They were whispering, but I knew it was a heated altercation. There was a rather obvious crease on Andres' forehead, and Nathan was wearing his face whenever he's trying to argue a hopeless case.


It seemed like Andres wasn't on board with the idea of me meeting Nathan's friends. Wala pa nga akong ginagawa kaya bakit ganyan na agad siya?

"Anything interesting on my face?" I asked Blake who was unabashedly staring at me.

His face was void of any emotion; he was hard to read. I thought he was going to say something smart, but he just stared at me before walking away.

I needed more intel on that guy. He seemed like he'd be the hardest to crack. He's not giving anything away—at least Andres was mad. Anger is still an emotion.

Figuring out that I'd let Nathan sort the issue out first with Andres, I got myself a glass of cocktail first. Uminom ako nang lapitan ako ng isang babae. She was just interested in me dahil kasama ako ni Nathan. After all, Nathan's still a Ramirez.

But while I was chatting, I could feel Blake's eyes on me.

Like he was studying me.

Like he knew what my intent was.

No One Will Know (PUBLISHED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon