VIII. There's No Murder If There's No Body

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VIII. There's No Murder If There's No Body

Thomas was sitting on the seat across mine. It was so obvious that he was comfortable in this place. He was known to everybody; and I swear I just saw him tapping the ass of one of the waitress who just passed by.


"Ready?" he asked, smirking at me while the dealer was distributing the cards.

I just answered him with a shrug. With every card placed in front of me, my heart just kept on beating faster. Pakiramdam ko ay magkakaroon na ako ng sakit sa puso bago pa matapos ang laro na 'to.

"I open..." Thomas said while looking at me. "50 thousand," he said, cocking his head to the side as if challenging me.

I stared at my card. I only got three of a kind—10 diamond, 10 club, and 10 spades. I didn't like my chances... but I needed to be aggressive.

"I raise to 100," I replied, looking smug. Sabi ni Pamela, siya ang bahala. Bahala talaga siya dito.

The side of his lips rose. The other players with us, they just folded. Kaming dalawa na lang ni Thomas ang natira. "Call," he said.

When I placed my cards on the table, mas lalong umangat ang labi ni Thomas. He seemed impressed with my guts.

"Three of a kind," he said when he stared at my cards. "You have guts," he continued while he was taking the chips to his side.

"The game is just starting," I said, smiling at him, but inside, I was pissed. I just fucking lost a hundred thousand pesos! Pamela better be serious about what she said the last time! Sure, I had that money, but I didn't want to waste it on gambling.

The game continued, and I continued to play aggressively. We played 6 rounds, and I won twice. Thomas won twice, too. I already won 800 thousand, and lost 900. On the seventh, hindi ko alam kung ano ang pumasok sa isip ni Thomas.

"I open 1 million," he said, smirking at me.

I stared at my card. Straight flush. I liked my chances... what were the chances that Thomas was holding a Royal flush? It was slim to fucking none. Wala pang naglalabas ng Royal flush sa buong laro namin.

"Raise to 2 million," I replied.

"Call," sabi niya.

Molly, if you're looking down at me, please tell the angels to save me. Even if it's not my money that I'd lose, hindi pa rin maganda sa pakiramdam na matalo ng dalawang milyon.

With heart beating so fucking wild inside my chest, I laid down my cards, then stared at Thomas'.

My lips almost parted.

This mother fucking asshole. He only got a high card but he betted 2 million?!

"You're crazy," I uttered.

He shrugged. "Consider that as a gift," he said like he didn't just lose 2 million on purpose.

Fucking rich guys.

My system was still slightly trembling from the fear of losing that amount of money, but I willed myself to act calmly. The game of poker was now done; I was now playing the game they started when they played with Molly.

"I don't believe in gifts," I said, staring back at him. He was looking at me like he wanted to do bad things to me. He was just so shameful. "I'm sure you'd want something in return."

"You think too much, Ary Fuentes," he said, running his eyes up and down on me. "I'll see you again," he continued with a lingering stare.

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No One Will Know (PUBLISHED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon