Epilogue III

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This Is How Irony Works

"I'm sorry you had to go home," I said as I personally picked David up from the airport. The prosecution summoned for his presence because his statement was needed to verify my statement that we're married.

It was true.

We're married.

At least, on papers.

I could see the look of disappointment in his eyes. Nang una akong nagsabi na uuwi ako sa Pilipinas, hindi siya pumayag. He was there when I was at my lowest—he was the one who patiently waited until the nightmares subsided...

"What did you do, Mallary?" he asked as I helped him carry his bag. He only brought a single bag. Halatang ayaw magtagal dito. "And why are we surrounded with—" he said as a man in uniform assisted us inside the car.

Tumahimik muna ako. Hindi ko alam kung paano iyon sasagutin. How would I tell him that I gave up the fight against my father? I initially didn't want to see even his shadow... pero nang sabihin sa akin na kailangang umuwi ni David, naisip ko na sino ang po-protekta sa kanya?

I had no one.

Only my family could extend protection.

So, I swallowed my pride. I told them that I'd come back... I'd take Molly's place, anything, just to make sure that when David comes home, he'd be protected. Dahil alam ko na hindi titigil ang pamilya ni Nathan hanggang hindi ito napapalaya.

And the only thing that's stopping them was David's presence in my life. Because as long as I am legally married to David, Nathan couldn't use me as his defense.

"It's... protocol," sabi ko na lang. Mabuti at mukhang pagod si David sa byahe kaya naman naka-tulog siya. I couldn't answer more of his questions. I didn't want to lie to him.

Ginising ko siya nang makarating kami sa hotel. The whole floor was rented. My father's men were roaming around, making sure that there's no threat.

Dapat lang.

Sa oras na may mangyari kay David, sinisigurado ko na kahit anino ko, hinding-hindi makikita ng tatay ko. I'd make sure that he'd die without an heir. I'd make sure na mapupunta sa wala lahat ng pinaghirapan niya.

"Tomorrow, you'd be cross-examined," I said.


"Our marriage."

"Aren't you the least bit worried that they're gonna find out?"

"About what?"

"Your deal with Nathan... That you two agreed to 'get married' and... kill Blake? That you were in it all along?"

I looked at him. It's funny what a short amount of time could do to you. Kung dati? Sigurado ako na hindi ko iyon magagawa. I'd probably be too fucking weak to even agree to the idea... but staying here? Being exposed to every injustice? I finally learned the hard lesson—you make your own justice.

"Technically, I did nothing wrong, David. Technically, based on all records gathered for the trial, I was under a lot of duress when I got married to Nathan..." I said, my lips stretched into a sinister smile. "Technically, the law couldn't touch me."

He sighed, obviously displeased with how drastically I've changed. But if I didn't, no one would pay for anything... Paulit-ulit lang 'tong mangyayari. This fucking cycle would continue.

"Did you really have to do that?"

I pressed my lips. Did I? I didn't have to... Kung tutuusin, si Nathan ang nag-isip ng lahat... He's the one who devised the plan in which I could get what I wanted without having to suffer the legal consequences of my actions.

No One Will Know (PUBLISHED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon