XXV. Nathaniel Pierce Ramirez

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XXV. Nathaniel Pierce Ramirez

"Have you already passed your requirements?" Dad asked.

I nodded, silently eating my food and wishing that this mandatory dinner once a month be done and over with.

"What about review center? Have you picked one yet?" he asked again.

"Still deciding," I replied, but of course I got an earful from him. I couldn't be less than 'perfect.' I needed to live up to the standards he set for us. After all, I was supposed to follow after his footsteps. Justin's not really interested in anything but being a first grade asshole. Kier has shut the door to politics a long time ago. It's just me. Everything is on my fucking shoulders.

After that tensed dinner, I immediately drove back to Manila. I didn't care that it was almost midnight. I needed to get away from this hellhole as soon as possible. Even a second more would send me over the edge.

I was supposed to go to the condo to rest when I received a text from Andres. I knew it was serious. He never texts... It's almost always Thomas. And receiving a text from Andres? It scared me. A little. That guy always scared me. He's not more of a word kind of person. He's more on the action. And it's fucking scary because he wouldn't really ask you—he'd straight up give you what he thinks you deserve.

The door was open.

Which was uncommon.

My lips parted when I saw how messy the cabin was. It felt like someone ransacked the place.


"That bitch!" Andres shouted in anger.

"We're not allowed to take the BAR," Blake casually said while sipping whiskey.

Agad na kumunot ang noo ko. "What? Why? I thought you already passed your requirements earlier?" I asked. They passed earlier. I wasn't supposed to pass together with them because I was the 'neophyte.' Stupid tradition. I wouldn't even have joined this fucking fraternity if not for the 'legacy.' My father just threatened to disown me if I didn't join. Kaya kahit dulo na, pinayagan pa rin akong sumali. Why wouldn't they, anyway? Kapag may gulo ang frat nila, tatay ko ang umaayos. I didn't understand. My father badly wanted to remain in their good graces. It was funny, really. I never thought I'd live to see the day where the great Congressman Norberto Ramirez would bow down to anyone.

That's the thing I didn't like the most about this brotherhood. Pinagtatakpan kahit mali. Nakaka-suka.

"Well, that holier-than-thou Molly snitched us to the admin!"

My forehead creased. Molly? Who was that? Tumingin ako kay Blake para magtanong. I really couldn't remember who that was. I really try not to pay attention to anything related to this little group. As much as possible, I'd like to stay away from their business.

"Julian," Blake simply said.

Ah. Julian. Iyong lalaki na nambastos kay Sabrina. Iyong binugbog nila na nasa ICU pa rin hanggang ngayon. Akala ko walang nakakita? Sinumbong pala sila ni Molly?

I stayed until the sun rose. I really didn't know what to do, anyway. It was already done. The only choice was to appeal to the Supreme Court, but I doubt that they'd do that. Julian's case was a pretty popular one. It grazed all the big networks. Tanga din kasi sila Thomas. Hindi naisip na anak ng senador si Julian.

The next few days, I continued with my life. I reviewed for the BAR subjects—quietly, if I could manage. But I really couldn't find peace because every time they'd look at me, I could see resentment. Na parang kasalanan ko pa na hindi sila makakapagtake ng exam? Sino ba ang tanga na gumawa ng gulo kahit na alam nila na mahigpit ang requirement? You can't be involved in a crime of moral turpitude. It's as if they forgot everything we learned in Legal Ethics.

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