Louis Imagine

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Part 2
Personal for TheRealLilyTommo.

"What are we going to do? What are we going to tell Dan?" Daisy asked. She's starting to panic. "We never meant for it to go this far." She added. "Well it did!" Lottie said. "Right, we just need-who the hell are you?" Louis asked as a random boy just walked in. "Uh, I'm Ryan? Lily's boyfriend." Ryan replied. Then looking at the floor. "No." He whispered.

Lottie and Felicity sighed. "We're so sorry, Ryan." Lottie said. "Why? She seemed so happy!" Ryan sobbed as he held Lily's hand. "I know, but she was going through stuff with family." Lottie said.

Louis, Daisy and Phoebe all looked down. "She's ok, right? She's going to be-" "she's gone, lad. It's too late." Louis said. "Show some fucking sympathy then! You're just standing there not doing anything, there's no tears, there's no sadness on your face whatsoever! What sort of brother are you?!" Ryan asked.

"What's going on?" Dan asked. Everyone froze. "Why is everyone in here? Who's on the floo-Lily?" Dan asked as he kneeled on the floor next to her. "Why isn't she moving? What's happened?! TELL ME!" Dan yelled and everyone flinched.

"Things got too hard for her." Phoebe said. "We never meant for it to go this far, we're sorry. It was for fun, we never meant to take it this far. Please, we're sorry, we're sorry!" She sobbed. Dan raised an eyebrow. "You did this?" He asked. Daisy and Phoebe nodded. "We never knew she was going to do this-" "shes got a black eye." Dan said, close to losing it. "She was your sister. What about you? Where were you when all this was happening?!" Dan asked Louis.

"He was too busy ignoring her." Felicity replied as she glared at Louis. "Right, well we need to take her to the hospital, we need to get her to the hospital, we need to get her to the hospital." Dan kept saying and picked Lily up bridal style.

"We're sorry." 

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