Niall Imagine

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Part 4

*A few days later*

Y/n kept biting away at her nails, the guilt eating her alive. "Are you alright, love?" Niall asked, noticing that she was acting weird for the past few days.

Y/n looked up at him, wishing she didn't. Seeing the blue eyes she loved so much, but Louis also has blue eyes. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine." She said smiling softly.

Niall smiled softly, "you know you can tell me anything right?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah. I know." She replied, holding back the tears.

"Hey, Y/n. I'm going to the shops with Jake, you'll be alright, yeah?" Niall asked as he helped Jake with his coat.

Thank god, time on her own is just what she needs. "Yeah, that's fine. I'll just eat and watch the telly or something." She replied.

Niall smiled and headed out the door. Y/n sighed when the door closed and that's when the tears started making their way down her face.

"Y/n?" Louis asked as he walked into the house. "What are you doing here?! Niall could've seen you, Louis you need to leave!" She said as she tried to push Louis back out of the door.

"Niall is gone, I made sure I came when I knew he left, I was walking down the street. He didn't see me, don't worry about it, love. Now, come on, give me a kiss-" "go, Louis. Now, please." Y/n said.

Louis let out a deep sigh. "Why do you do that?" He asked. "Do what?" Y/n asked confused. "You play with my head! You make me believe that you love me, then you go and tell me to get out, that you still love Niall. I know you're engaged, break my heart every day, wearing that ring on your finger, being the step-mum to Jake, it isn't fair, Y/n." Louis explained.

"Well, what do you want me to do, Louis?!" Y/n asked. "I want you to choose." Louis replied. "I want you to choose who you want."

"Me or Niall?"

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