All the boys

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Niall and Bailey; dating.
Niall and Y/n; brother and sister.
Harry and Y/n; ex's.
Bailey and Liam; brother and sister.
Zayn and Liam; dating.
Louis and Harry; brothers.

"Come on, she can't be that bad." Bailey said. "One time, I saw this guy ask her if she's got a pen and she just turned and looked at him and he peed." Niall, Y/n's brother explained.

"Why would you pee if she just looked at you?" Bailey asked. "Because Y/n is terrifying." Niall replied. "There's times when I'm close to wetting myself."

Just as they were talking, Harry who's also Y/n's ex, came up to the couple. (They're dating). "Hey," he greeted just as Y/n walked past.

"Hey, so hows things?" Bailey asked just as Katie came up to them. "Hi." She greeted.

"Oh, hi Katie." Harry greeted, smiling softly. "What can I do you for?" He asked. "Uh, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to my dads bakery after school?" Katie asked.

"Oh, uh, maybe another time, I've got homework for Mr Rough due." Harry replied. "What home-OW!" Niall called, holding his stomach as Harry elbows him.

"Okay, sure. Another time." Katie said and walked off. Niall then slapped his head. "That hurt!" He said, as he rubbed his stomach.

"Why didn't you agree to go to Katie's Dad bakery? You used to work in one." Bailey said. "I know, but Katie isn't my type." Harry replied shrugging his shoulders.

"Then what is your type?" Niall asked, fixing his bag. Harry then shifted his eyes to Y/n. "You're not over her are you?" Bailey asked.

Harry sighed. "It's not that I'm over her, it's just, she can be terrifying. There was a guy that asked her for a pen-" "and he peed." Niall and Bailey said at the same time.

Harry nodded, just then the three of their eyes shifted to a boy who slowly walked towards Y/n. "Is he crazy?!" Niall whispered yelled.

"Uh, Y/n?" The boy, known as Kyle asked. Y/n slammed her locker and slowly turned towards Kyle. "Uh, hi." He said waving and let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm in your history class, you borrowed my notes and I'm just wondering if I can have them back?" Kyle asked.

Y/n then moved a step towards him, making Kyle go back three steps. "Uh, it doesn't matter! Keep them!" Kyle said and ran off.

"Thanks Kyle!" Y/n called and headed down the hall, giving Niall, and Bailey a wave, completely ignoring Harry, who looked down when his soft smile was rejected.

"Come on, please?" Bailey asked, holding her hands together as if she was begging. "No! No, no, no, no, no!" Louis replied. "So, you'll do it?" Bailey asked.

Louis sighed, "have you seen Y/n? She looks like she cuts flowers, I don't want to go out with a girl who looks like she cuts flowers." He replied. "It's just for one night! Please." Bailey said.

Louis shook his head. "No." He replied. Bailey then sighed and turned her attention to Liam, who was looking at her with raised eyebrows as he ate his pizza. "Hey, bro..." Bailey said smirking. "Want to do me a massive favour?" She asked.

"I've got a boyfriend, Bailey." Liam replied gesturing to Zayn, who was sitting next to him. "I know, but she can be the third wheel-" "no." Liam replied.

"Bailey, if you're going to make anyone, and I mean ANYONE date Bailey, you're going to need a lot of money." Louis explained.

"MOOOVVVEE!!" Y/n screamed making everyone jump, most people drop their food, and make some people scream. "A LOT." Zayn said.

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