Liam Imagine

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DDM Harry

"Y/n if you just let me explain!" Liam said as he tried to stop Y/n from packing. "No, you've said and done enough!" Y/n said sobbing. "It was a mistake! She was a mistake! I made a mistake!" Liam begged, trying to stop the girl he loves from leaving. "A mistake?! What were you trying to put it in, her bag?!" Y/n asked.

Liam gripped his hair. "It's the fact that it was with Cheryl! Your fucking ex!" Y/n yelled, Liam biting his lip. "I'm sorry!" He shouted. "It just happened!" "It was a mistake! It just happened! WHICH ONE IS IT?!" Y/n yelled. "I'm sorry, please...calm down!" Liam said. Y/n shook her head and scoffed. "Well, we're done anyway." She said.

Liam tried to beg, he said everything and anything that might make Y/n stay. "Please Y/n, I love you!" Liam called just as she was about to walk out the door. "I thought you loved me. I loved you as well, but's over." Y/n said and left the house. "Don't leave me!" Liam sobbed.


"Dad." Y/n sobbed as she walked into Harry's house. "Y/n?" He asked. "He broke my heart, dad. I thought he loved me." Y/n sobbed into her dads arms. Harry held his daughter in his arms. He wanted to be there for his daughter, but he wanted to kill Liam. He wanted to kill Liam if it was the last thing he would do.


Liam sobbed as he held the picture of him and Y/n on their one year anniversary, and he had to throw their three year relationship down the drain.

"LIAM FUCKING PAYNE!" Harry yelled as he slammed the door open, making it hit the wall. Liam's head snapped up. "YOU'RE DEAD!" Harry yelled. "Harry, please, just let me explain!" Liam said holding his hands out in front of him as he was sitting on the floor in the hall.

"Explain!? Explain what?! You broke my daughters heart! You cheated on her with Cheryl! She fucking loved you!" Harry said getting closer and followed to Liam. "I know, I love her too! Believe me, Harry! I do!" Liam said. "Then why the fuck is Cheryl back in your life?!" Harry asked. "I don't know, drink can do some weird things-" Harry scoffed. "Drunk isn't an excuse! I'm so sick of people hurting Y/n, you know fine well that she's been cheated on before! You promised me and her that you would never do that to her, and look what one fucking drink does to you!" Harry said, the rage filling up.

"I'm sorry." Liam whispered.


"If you just let me talk to her-" "you've said and done enough! Stay away from her!" Harry said as he was walking home, Liam following him. "Harry please!" Liam begged. "I said, stay away! What part of that don't you understand?!" Harry asked. "All of it! Look, please, I need her!" Liam said, taking Harry's arm. "Just stay away, Liam!" Harry said, pulling away from Liam's grip. "I was going to propose to her!" Liam said.


Y/n let out a sob and wiped her tear filled eyes. "Dad?" She asked when she heard the door open. "Yeah its me, love." Harry replied. "I've got a visitor as well." He added and Liam walked in behind him. "No, no, get him out of here!" Y/n said. "Y/n please, just hear me out! I just want to show you how much I love you." Liam said as he got down on one knee.

"No!" Y/n said instantly. "No Liam, get up!" She said. "You cheated on me, you made me believe that you loved me, you hurt me. You're just like all the rest, I never want to see you again, just stay away. Give Cheryl your ring. I'm sure she loves a good wedding."

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