Prologue (Edited)

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

   I want out. I want to be off this island. I want to be apart of the world on the other side. I want to know what it's like to have people around you, whether they'd be kind or not; I just want to have a presence that shows me I am still living. I am merely existing on this Dark Island.

Don't let the peaceful beauty of this island get to you—there's a secret that has been hidden for years. A rock-like machine is somewhere here, where turning handles are present within a rocky figure. If someone were to turn all four handles, the island's true form will come to life. But, it'll only be achieved by someone with four arms. I don't know why my father would create this; there is not a human being on this planet who has four arms. But, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there is a being who has miraculously, genetically been given four arms. Or maybe something else? I'm not sure. My father has been planning this for thousands of years.

My father, the floating blob of dark matter that cannot reach his final form without having a vessel to do his metamorphosis. I don't know how he managed to grab a single lady, dancing god-knows-where to Beyonce, but he did. Not only did he manage to grab that lady, but he also managed to create me. I don't know why or how, but I'm here. I'm here, but my mother isn't.

I never actually got to know my mother, all I knew was that she was a beautiful woman who was once a fierce warrior during battle, yet a kindred spirit at heart. I don't know what my mother saw in my father and maybe I will never know. I just want to know why? Why did she leave? Was it her choice? Did dad do something to her? I can think all I want, but I'm never getting the answer alone.

Alone... I don't want to be alone, anymore. All my father does is plan, plan, plot, scheme, and plan. Did I mention that he also plans? He always tells me that he doesn't have time for my "foolishness". I like to call it "buffoonery"— being ridiculous that it's amusing—even if what I do was not intentionally to be either ridiculous or amusing at times. I only do the things I do to make him notice me instead of ignoring me.

Lucky for me, I have my ways of escaping. I managed to smuggle a small spell to get me off this island. I'm not 100% sure it will work, but I need to try. If I want to be able to start anew, I have to try. The good thing about this is if I manage to escape, my father won't be able to follow. With the balance at hand, he has no choice but to stay; however, I feel as though that's going to change soon.

It took a while, but I managed to get the items necessary to leave. I'm ready to take off. I'm finally going to be free! I'm sorry, father, but I fear that if I stay any longer, you are going to do something to me that I would not even imagine. Even if you don't mention it, I know you want me to be just as evil as you. After all, you are called the Dark Overlord for a reason. Goodbye, father.

This went on longer than I thought it would.

Words: 600

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