(A/N): Art Contest?

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No chapter today, but...

I've been wondering if I should hold a contest for you guys—an art contest. Do you guys think I should? I wanna see your art styles!

My Ranting Reasons Below

Truth be told, I'm only wanting to do this because of a certain post I saw on Instagram (yes, you can find me there 😂). They said that they stopped drawing because they felt that their art isn't as good as others.

Reading that, it makes me... I don't know. I guess empathetic? Sympathetic? I'm not sure if that's the right word I'm looking for, but it's the best.

Back then, I never really cared much for my style compared to others. I've always loved using their art styles as references to better my own, not to stare at it with such envy that I can't do it myself.

No one starts off perfect.

But we do start off somewhere. Of course it's not going to be perfect the first try, that's why we keep going it until it looks as good as you want it to be. If you don't like how it looks, try again! It's all about trial and error until it comes out how you want it to be.

The only reason how other artists' creations are so great is because of practice.

Rinse and repeat.

They also use references from other artists.

That is how they are so good.

If you want to be just as good as them then you must put it more effort than to throw it all away, claiming that it's not as good as others.

If you keep doubting yourself then you'll never reach your full potential.

That's just how life works. So get out there! Do what you wanna do! As long as it abides to the law and keeps you as safe as you can be. Just kidding, have a little fun now and then. Just don't get hurt.

I can't speak for everyone in that situation above though, but I know I'm speaking to the majority.

My Ranting Reasons Above

Alright, enough of that. So, do you think this contest should be done?


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