Ch.7 Tick Tock (Edited)

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Nature. Midnight nature. Everything's almost black and white, but I can still see the colors tinted all around me. So, I'm back again. I've been getting these nightmares more frequently since Lloyd's...not here... What's different about these nightmares is that they're more...effective. Maybe that's why I kept having these nightmares every now and then when Lloyd wasn't captured.

Heh, it's no wonder they say that your dreams could come true. They just forget to mention that nightmares are dreams, too.

I walk around aimlessly through these thick, tall trees, not bothering to worry about getting lost. I've already explored the ground level enough to know at least most of the parts around here, but it was hard to do since I'm always walking across a haze. The only thing I worry for is something to happen. Maybe I can visit my old home, sweet home, though I don't know if I could with the island being like this. I'm more used to it when it didn't look as eerie. I don't even know if my old home is damaged from all this restructuring.

"...It's your fault..."

I stop in my tracks when I hear a whisper. That hasn't happened in a while, which worries me a lot. It doesn't make it any better that these woods have no signs of any other living beings, stalking within its everlasting bodies. These individual midnight walls of grim ambiance standing tall, wearing thick mist around themselves to cover what is far beyond.

"...He's gone because of you..."

"...You did this..."

"...Your fault..."

The whispers are starting to grow more. B-But, I don't know where they're coming from... I start walking a little faster towards my old home. That's the place where I usually feel safe. I'm hoping that it'll still work inside a dream...

"...You let him down..."

   "...Why didn't you help him...?"

Are they... A-Are they talking about...Lloyd?

   "...You should have done something..."

"...He'll never trust you again..."


   "...You are to blame..."

N-No... H-He said... I-I didn't...

   The whispers start becoming louder. They overlap one another's sentences. Some are being said at the same time; yet, I can still understand every single word... I start jogging, but I know that's not enough.

". . . W h e r e   a r e   y o u   g o i n g . . . ?"

   Run. I run. I run through the dark air. I run pass these thick logs. I just run. The whispers stop and turn into bloodcurdling, thirsty screams. They yell for me to stop. They screech for me to turn around.

They shriek for me to become like them.

   I can feel my chest about to burst open, letting my heart escape with my breath. My breath being taken away from me with each step I take. My energy flowing out of me as my stamina tries to use every single bit of it. As much as I want to say that I can hear my panting, I can't. Why? Because all I can hear is breathing close to my ear. I can feel it on my nape.

(DISCONTINUED) The Girl Who Didn't Belong (Lloyd x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now